Blu Ray drives for my sweet hog of a pooter. I want to go on newegg and buy the 70 dollar Lite-On model, but well it's been 70 for a while. That's not what scared me though, Windows 7 compatibility scared me, it seems that at least at the time of one reviewer he had to purchase 60 dollar software just to make the blu ray player and OS dance.
Please inform me of any Windows 7 quirks of this nature, or anything else that may pique my interest. Please, thank you, and my do you look handsome or pretty today...
Blu Ray drives for my sweet hog of a pooter. I want to go on newegg and buy the 70 dollar Lite-On model, but well it's been 70 for a while. That's not what scared me though, Windows 7 compatibility scared me, it seems that at least at the time of one reviewer he had to purchase 60 dollar software just to make the blu ray player and OS dance.
Please inform me of any Windows 7 quirks of this nature, or anything else that may pique my interest. Please, thank you, and my do you look handsome or pretty today...
So I suggested to my friends that the swine flu offers us a good example of how people would fare during a zombie uprising. As in, if you get h1n1 you are a zombie. Well my brother was sick a little bit and i spent time with him before i thought it was serious, he had a few nights of night sweats and then recovered so I didn't worry. I went to lunch with a girl from my class and found that she was out for the week and a half prior because she had swine flu. I didn't feel all that well before eating with her, and had been going to work.
So I suggested to my friends that the swine flu offers us a good example of how people would fare during a zombie uprising. As in, if you get h1n1 you are a zombie. Well my brother was sick a little bit and i spent time with him before i thought it was serious, he had a few nights of night sweats and then recovered so I didn't worry. I went to lunch with a girl from my class and found that she was out for the week and a half prior because she had swine flu. I didn't feel all that well before eating with her, and had been going to work.
Today playing MWfare2 I saw yet another person javelin glitching. I said dude if you keep that up you'll get reported and then ultimately banned because enough people will complain. He said what many of them say, if you report me, I'll report you, and he had his usual 3 friends to "vouche" for him on the other side that presumably also reported me for reporting.
I'm not terribly worried and would likely complain to microhard if someone had an unworthy vendetta against me.
Now I suggest a massive or proportionate vendetta against him. gamer tag : DRz FiNEsT34
Today playing MWfare2 I saw yet another person javelin glitching. I said dude if you keep that up you'll get reported and then ultimately banned because enough people will complain. He said what many of them say, if you report me, I'll report you, and he had his usual 3 friends to "vouche" for him on the other side that presumably also reported me for reporting.
I'm not terribly worried and would likely complain to microhard if someone had an unworthy vendetta against me.
Now I suggest a massive or proportionate vendetta against him. gamer tag : DRz FiNEsT34