Shared on Sun, 12/13/2009 - 11:47So I suggested to my friends that the swine flu offers us a good example of how people would fare during a zombie uprising. As in, if you get h1n1 you are a zombie. Well my brother was sick a little bit and i spent time with him before i thought it was serious, he had a few nights of night sweats and then recovered so I didn't worry. I went to lunch with a girl from my class and found that she was out for the week and a half prior because she had swine flu. I didn't feel all that well before eating with her, and had been going to work.
I went to the doc's and found that i had bronchitis and maybe h1n1, so they are treating me for both. They don't test for h1n1 anymore because they assume you have it because of the prevalence.
So I might be a zombie, because of family and or girls. It's these kind of weaknesses that could doom us all.
I might not be a zombie though, I mean I am, but maybe I'm not. Like a noble hypochondriac that was coughed on by a zombie, I would likely have to sacrifice myself (or be sacrificed by another non-infected) in order to assure I don't change over.
Of course now that I'm an infected I think there is a grey area, and not-so-secretely I hope I eat your brains.
- HarackCred's blog
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Submitted by DaRedneck on Sun, 12/13/2009 - 19:26
Submitted by TANK on Sun, 12/13/2009 - 19:58