BadCopNoDonut's blog


Shared on Tue, 12/01/2009 - 20:55

Record for most gamertag changes

Fish669 below was one of many that gave me even worse feedback on my new gamertag.  seems I've shot myself in the foot to attempt to be PC while also being funny.  I know I sound overly concerned about what people think about my image of who I portray online, but it's important that I be a person that does not intentionally or on purpose, offend anyone.  There is so much trash talk and offensiveness on Xbox live already.  So not so funny but to the point.


Shared on Tue, 12/01/2009 - 01:16

Changed My Gamertag

I've been thinking about it for some time and as funny as Bad Cop no donut is, I don't want to paint myself has some sort of cop hater. So I'm changing my gamertag to something equally silly.


H1N1 KermitZomB



Does anyone know how to change my 202p username?




Shared on Tue, 12/01/2009 - 01:16

Changed My Gamertag

I've been thinking about it for some time and as funny as Bad Cop no donut is, I don't want to paint myself has some sort of cop hater. So I'm changing my gamertag to something equally silly.


H1N1 KermitZomB



Does anyone know how to change my 202p username?




Shared on Sat, 11/21/2009 - 21:14

More MW2 Rantings

Good COD players are complaining that they are being handicapped by built-in aids that IW has put into the game such as Deathstreaks.  In particular, the death streak "pain killer" has come under some attack.  Another example is the stinger or javeline missiles that can lock on to certain aircraft and bring them down with one shot.  The lament is that these "charity" perks/weapons are "ruining the fun of better players."  In other words, when a good player earns a "reward" such as a hellicopter gunner after an 11 killstreak, it is ended simply by one shot from a stinger missile that auto lo


Shared on Sat, 11/21/2009 - 21:14

More MW2 Rantings

Good COD players are complaining that they are being handicapped by built-in aids that IW has put into the game such as Deathstreaks.  In particular, the death streak "pain killer" has come under some attack.  Another example is the stinger or javeline missiles that can lock on to certain aircraft and bring them down with one shot.  The lament is that these "charity" perks/weapons are "ruining the fun of better players."  In other words, when a good player earns a "reward" such as a hellicopter gunner after an 11 killstreak, it is ended simply by one shot from a stinger missile that auto lo


Shared on Fri, 11/20/2009 - 14:09

About My Gamertag

Several people have asked me (both from the 2o2p and XBL) about my gamertag BADC0P N0 DONUT... 

Back in the late 90's when I was playing Unreal Tournament, Quake 3 and Counterstrike, I was in a (then local) store HOT TOPIX looking at gaming clothing etc.  There was a sticker there that had the Sayinng "Bad Cop No Donut" and I remember I actually laughed outloud at the concept.  I had to have the sticker and thought that it would make a great online handle.  So there you go.


Shared on Fri, 11/20/2009 - 14:09

About My Gamertag

Several people have asked me (both from the 2o2p and XBL) about my gamertag BADC0P N0 DONUT... 

Back in the late 90's when I was playing Unreal Tournament, Quake 3 and Counterstrike, I was in a (then local) store HOT TOPIX looking at gaming clothing etc.  There was a sticker there that had the Sayinng "Bad Cop No Donut" and I remember I actually laughed outloud at the concept.  I had to have the sticker and thought that it would make a great online handle.  So there you go.


Shared on Wed, 11/18/2009 - 15:13

You're Still Playing What?

I, like many others, noticed that Major Nelson's Xbox Live activity for thisweek  has 3, count em, 3 call of duty games in the top 5 slot.  Some are asking why anyone would rush out and buy COD MW2 only to turn around and play COD4 or COD WAW?  I think I know the answer...


Shared on Wed, 11/18/2009 - 15:13

You're Still Playing What?

I, like many others, noticed that Major Nelson's Xbox Live activity for thisweek  has 3, count em, 3 call of duty games in the top 5 slot.  Some are asking why anyone would rush out and buy COD MW2 only to turn around and play COD4 or COD WAW?  I think I know the answer...


Shared on Tue, 11/17/2009 - 16:32

Now that it has been 1 week...

Thoughts on MW2 and blogs that I've read or heard over past 7 days since it's release....


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