Shared on Fri, 11/16/2012 - 08:56So recently i got myself the old xbox console online for about $30 or more (and that's including all the controllers and extras). It seems to work preety well, but you never know. I recently decided to buy it to play some of the old xbox games i'm gonna get later down the line (and yes i can no longer get xbox live on the old console, thank you very much) which got me thinking a bit on how microsoft and xbox is self-congraulating thenmselves on more then ten years in the console biz. Since i'm on a rant here: Let me make a few "suggestions" to Microsoft and Xbox and i'll put in a way that anyone with a brain can understand. First off: make the new software system backwards compatible with all old xbox games. Can you imagine how many old school games you're gonna get when you make the old games play on the Xbox 360? Plenty. Second: do the same thing for the next console. If you all need any suggestion to why; see the first suggestion. Third: No more avatar games, Period. Why you ask, hell why not? And finally: if you're gonna name your next console, just name it xbox 3 (just to rub it in on the other guys who are making consoles). Hopefully these "suggestions" will be met with the srtictest of standerds and responsed as soon as they have the time. Maybe i'm getting old in my age and my time, but if Microsoft and Xbox don't take these suggestions to heart and give us gamers what we wanted: then they just lost a customer and fans alike, because unfortunatly at the end of the day it's all about the money and i'm afraid that is what it's all about. Well, that's it on my end of the arguement. What do you think?
- AngryAngelo's blog
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Submitted by TANK on Fri, 11/16/2012 - 12:09
The xbox 360 was back compat with original xbox games as best as it could be since they changed GPU manufacturers. For that reason they had to emulate rather than run natively. But the only two games that saw any real usage were Halo 2 and I believe Battlefront II was the other. WHy put in all that effort if no one cares. I pesonally didn't care, didn't make sense to me to drop 500 bucks on a new console and play the last consoles games on it. Not something i would ever bother doing.
Submitted by AngryAngelo on Fri, 11/16/2012 - 17:06
I guess you and i are in the same boat here, that's why i bought the old xbox console so i can play the old games the new console can't or won't play.
Submitted by GUL74 on Fri, 11/16/2012 - 14:34
I got to say AA I agree with you in a lot of this cause I love my retro end of gaming ..But the reason all boils down to the all mighty dollar , you have to figure if people have the option to play that old great game even with issues it has why buy the new one "example Halo 2" So make that people have to buy the new generation of game/console and then that also gives both companys an to remake said retro game in HD with maybe new levels or whatever other ideas can be had . If you have some old games you like to play I suggest you check out
Submitted by AngryAngelo on Fri, 11/16/2012 - 17:04
Great suggestion. thanks, i'll look into it.