AngryAngelo's blog


Shared on Fri, 11/16/2012 - 08:56

Microsoft and Xbox: Over ten years of what now?

So recently i got myself the old xbox console online for about $30 or more (and that's including all the controllers and extras). It seems to work preety well, but you never know. I recently decided to buy it to play some of the old xbox games i'm gonna get later down the line (and yes i can no longer get xbox live on the old console, thank you very much) which got me thinking a bit on how microsoft and xbox is self-congraulating thenmselves on more then ten years in the console biz.


Shared on Fri, 11/09/2012 - 09:39

Living by the Creed.

So i recently got  Assaissn's Creed 3 this week. Got to admit it's actually pretty good no matter who says it. Well, you do play diffrent character at first before you get to the main guy conner (plus you do paly as Desmond when outside the animus), but if you ever played any of the assassin's creed games you should feel right at home. The new control mechanics will take getting used to but it should be second nature by then. I haven't even gone to the multiplayer yet but i hear it's almost as good as the main game. If you're a fan of the series, please pick it up.


Shared on Wed, 11/07/2012 - 17:19

New in town.

Ok where do i start? Well if u have read my profile here, then you more wel informed then me. Anyways, what can i say about myself? I'm only 33 years old, live with my family(mostly with my mom), have a job in the fast food industry  for at least 14 years, and i  like to play video games at one point or another. I have an xbox 360 at home(obviously) and i'm thinking of getting the old xbox console and pick up some old games online. I feel that i'm in the minority when it comes to my hobby and all things video games. If you feel my pain, please don't be afraid to write me a message.

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