Shared on Wed, 11/07/2012 - 17:19Ok where do i start? Well if u have read my profile here, then you more wel informed then me. Anyways, what can i say about myself? I'm only 33 years old, live with my family(mostly with my mom), have a job in the fast food industry for at least 14 years, and i like to play video games at one point or another. I have an xbox 360 at home(obviously) and i'm thinking of getting the old xbox console and pick up some old games online. I feel that i'm in the minority when it comes to my hobby and all things video games. If you feel my pain, please don't be afraid to write me a message. I promise to get back to you a.s.a.p. Well that's does it for me. Thanks for reading. Peace and Love to all.
- AngryAngelo's blog
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Submitted by CProRacing on Thu, 11/08/2012 - 04:34
Welcome too 2Old2Play!!
Why not head over to here:
Make a new topic saying hi and people should be able to help.
What games do you play BTW?
Submitted by AngryAngelo on Thu, 11/08/2012 - 07:02
Oh the ususal games: Assasin's Creed, Mass Effect, Bioshock, etc.,. Plus some other games like skate, shadows of the damned, prototype and others. Thanks for asking.
Submitted by Claude505 on Thu, 11/08/2012 - 09:27
Huh... for someone so "Angry", that opening message doesn't sound angry at all.
Welcome to the site.
Submitted by AngryAngelo on Thu, 11/08/2012 - 12:36
How i got the "Angry" Moniker is a long story and one u don't want to hear.