A Life Now Ordinary


Shared on Mon, 11/08/2010 - 09:57

Was going through some bins of stuff I'd put in storage about ten years ago and I was amazed at some of the stuff that I still have around for some reason. I have to assume that much of this crap was meaningful enough to me at the time to want to hang onto it, but for the life of me it seems like much of it could belong to somebody else. These days I'm a chubby stay-at-home dad after losing my job a while back. Fifteen years ago, though, it's amazing to realize just how different my life was and I marvel at how I made it to this point given all the crap that I used to get into.

Among the stuff I found:

  • Road and topo maps of Israel and the Sinai
  • Calling cards from at least 5 different countries
  • A ticket stub from a sex show in Amsterdam instructing me that photography is prohibited
  • Pictures of an ex-wife and several ex-girlfriends (those will finding their way into the shredder)
  • A ten-sided die
  • A check book in which the last check was written in 1995
  • A 20 Kopek coin from the USSR
  • A car key to a car I can't remember
  • An old Bloom County comic strip
  • Receipts from trains, planes, ships and taxis
  • An old work badge from a museum I worked for 20 years ago
  • A pen made of bamboo, given to me by a guy from Nepal whose name I can't remember
  • A button with the album cover of The Police's Synchronicity album
  • Two replacement bulbs for Christmas lights
  • Stacks of 35 mm negatives of pics I took at car shows and of me playing ice hockey
  • A stack of lotus flower stickers
  • A casette tape of the Chinese edition of Def Leppard's Greatest Hits
  • A Rocky Horror Picture Show Fan Club membership card
  • The necklace I wore while working as a raft guide
  • If you're still reading you are eligible for a special prize
  • An international power converter
  • Two athletic cups (size XL, obviously)
  • My old selective service card
  • My Miskatonic University Alumni Association card and library stack pass
  • A Timex Data-Link watch, battery dead


Anyway, the point of all this is that if I were to die and have that stuff be found, people would have a very, very different idea about who I am/was. I don't really think of myself as that guy anymore. I'm the guy who takes his kids to storytime at the library on Tuesdays and pre-school on Thursdays. I'm the guy who sneaks down the basement when he can to watch football on the big TV and play Xbox. I'm the guy who made hot chocolate for his 1st-grade daughter and her cheerleader colleagues because they had to cheer in 24-degree weather yesterday.

I'm going to go through a lot of this stuff and get rid of it, I think. These days we need to make room for bins of clothes, toys and winter boots. Maybe I'll have a little eulogy for my old stuff. I don't mean to obliterate the memory of who I was, but I think it's more important to focus on who I am and who I have to be down the road at this point.


Nunderw00b's picture
Submitted by Nunderw00b on Mon, 11/08/2010 - 16:17
I have boxes like that up in the attic. Haven't looked at them in years and years. Probably won't for years and years until the kiddo decides to rummage through the stuff.. I can only imagine what he'll find.
wamam87's picture
Submitted by wamam87 on Mon, 11/08/2010 - 20:45
first off, size XL won't cut it. i'm gonna need something with a little breathing room. second, some o' this shit you gotta keep. it does seem like someone elses shit because it's been so long...but that's why it stays. i got a box full of the same shit...sort of. i'm lightyears from where i was. i'm glad to be where i'm at, but hope to never forget where i came from. that's why i keep that crap. ;) btw...i played hockey all my life and my son does too. greatest show on earth!
buckeye75's picture
Submitted by buckeye75 on Mon, 11/08/2010 - 10:31
What's my prize?
Arvind's picture
Submitted by Arvind on Mon, 11/08/2010 - 10:33
Two athletic cups (size XL, obviously)
buckeye75's picture
Submitted by buckeye75 on Mon, 11/08/2010 - 10:35
Great! I need a pair of shoulder pads.
Arvind's picture
Submitted by Arvind on Mon, 11/08/2010 - 11:58
Update: Just replaced the battery on the watch and it still works and is waterproof, after years in storage. They really DO keep on tickin'! Or whatever electronic equivalent of ticking that they do.
P_Train_of_Love's picture
Submitted by P_Train_of_Love on Mon, 11/08/2010 - 14:09
Keep a shoe box full of a few things. Its not always who you are and will be. Part of that is because of where you've been. Jackass.
TKBosss's picture
Submitted by TKBosss on Mon, 11/08/2010 - 14:39
These type of things I run across always make me feel like it was a different life altogether. Now we focus on the kids.

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