An SL Christmas and Firestorm's new Phototools


Shared on Wed, 12/05/2012 - 13:11

First off, for those not familiar with it. Second Life is accessed through special programs called viewers. The primary one made available through SL creators Linden Laboratories is only one way to tour this virtual world. While sufficient for many users, others would like it to do more. Enter the Phoenix Viewer Project and their newest entry into the viewer market, Firestorm.

The list of differences between Firestorm and the LL viewer is ponderous and I think best left to the experts at The ones I'm interested in for today concern something referred to as "windlight". This is how the sky and terrain in SL interpret and display colors. I must admit my ignorance in how to edit these, but Firestorm has always provided a wide-ranging number of settings. Thus mine and most other's need to learn is eliminated.

Stonewood Christmas has a number of displays set out around their sim. All photos for this blog are taken on Firestorm's ultra graphics setting. This image further uses the new phototools' "quidditch" setting.

Like existing windlight settings, the new ones provide an even broader range of possibilities to make your in-word photographs either more realistic or more fantastic. Light intensity, direction and even color are altered according to the choices made. Some even add atmospheric perspective, like the photo above.

Phototools' "Cafe Light" gives the night atmosphere while allowing the yellow lights in the trees to add their own layer of texturing to these scripted elven skaters.

All of the different windlight settings are available under the WORLD tab at the top of the viewer or through the button with the Phoenix symbol if you have it enabled. Anyone who loves taking photos inworld would be well-advised to have that button at their disposal, I would suggest. It is then a simple matter of positioning the game camera for the best angle. I say simple, but it does take practice.

Phototools "Lo Light 04" gives this photo the clarity and sharpness of a cold winter's day

While the LL viewer does permit some altering of windlight settings and offers a rance of presets as well, they pale by comparison to those now offered through Firestorm. Also now available are advanced programmable movements of the game camera for those who enjoy videography as well.





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