a,b,c, easy as 1,2,3


Shared on Sat, 09/23/2006 - 02:16
Thank buggery its the weekend!  Not due to the not smoking thing, but mainly as I was getting bored to tears at work!  I have to get a new job sorted out, pronto!

Anyhow ... day #3 has come and gone much like the two before it.  Feeling so much better in the mornings, and getting up and out of bed is no hassle at all.  I think I can feel my lungs slowly 'opening up' again and I can't remember the last time I have managed to pull off such deep yawns!

No cigarette dreams yet thankfully ... but it is still early, early days ...

Got a little stoned yesterday, which was nice, but found, now that I do not smoke tobacco anymore, that the draw on me pipe for the 'erb was that much rougher on my throat, made me cough more, eyes water a tad, and generally made me feel more of a stoner than I have for a while ... haha!  'Clean' consumption of weed, that's what it is all about.


Em's picture
Submitted by Em on Sat, 09/23/2006 - 02:36
nice:) gg on quitting
chilm's picture
Submitted by chilm on Sat, 09/23/2006 - 04:38
Thank you! :D Still going ... ;)
fecknmental's picture
Submitted by fecknmental on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 08:58
Weed smoker you will get on great in the UK clan then :lol:

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