chilm's blog


Shared on Fri, 11/10/2006 - 12:34

Well, I suck balls ...

... coz I'm smoking again.  But I'll quit again soon and do it again and again and again until I get this fucking thing right! *grumble*

It's no excuse and it does sound lame, but the main reason I started again was the damn weed.  Or more to the point, the complete lack of it round where I live!  For love nor money can me and mine get hold of any decent amounts.  This, in turn, has led me to toking on the occasional reefer, and BAM! Back smoking before I knew it! Bollocks!

The real shitter is that I still don't have any weed, just the 'baccy.


Shared on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 08:47


I had to 'shout' that as I'm pretty bloody happy with myself!!!

So, that's it ... A whole month has passed since I decided to stop smoking that 'orrible brown weed.  Still, the lovely green weed is all good

The harshest thing is the 'sudden' increase in fatty weight I have put on ... Not masses, but a good half a stone I reckon, which seems to have settled on my face more than anywhere else *sigh* (bastarding bastards)


Shared on Tue, 10/03/2006 - 01:55

2 weeks and all is well ...

... except maybe my caffine consumption.  Man, I love tea.  And, I think, tea loves me too.  At least, that is what I tell myself as I gulp down another pint of the stuff.

Two weeks.  Time does fly.  Not just when you are having fun either ... Although I reckon that both Dead Rising and NHL07 have helped a little in keeping me sane thoughout this stopping period. 


Shared on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 06:18

No Smoking == chubby chilm?

Quite possibly, and I have put on a few pounds in the last week or so ... I'm sure I have (damn maltesers!)

Soon enough I will be back on the weights and exercises!  No, really, I will ... My Lady is currently looking into Yoga classes, which should be good.  My mother is a teacher of Yoga and Aromatherapy etc.  She showed me a position call The Cows Head (!?!) that exercises your stomach one side then the other, and no shit (thankfully!) I was farting away 5 minutes later, much to my relief!

So, Yoga good.


Shared on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 02:37

1 week, 7 days, 168 hours ...

... well, 1 week(ish), 7 days(ish), 168 hours(ish) - probably closer to 153 hours, but close enough!  In any case, one whole (let's not be too picky!) week of not smoking that tobacco!  I'm quite, quite happy ... And my work colleague is just popping out for a smoke now, haha!  Great timing.


Shared on Mon, 09/25/2006 - 03:18

5 and 6!

Ok, so the fifth day was Sunday, yesterday, and today is the 6th, but even though it is only the morning, I already know that it'll be fine and I will not be smoking any kind of tobacco based products, so I'll catch up to here now; Leaving tomorrow's entry for my first full week off the smokes one! Excellent!!!
What is there to say ... ?

I consider myself a complete non-smoker, period.  It is great!  I know it has only been 6 or so days, but to already feel that I will never be smoking another cigarette is a pretty incredible feeling!  I am a very happy man ...


Shared on Sun, 09/24/2006 - 02:41


Saturday.  Maybe a day I was dreading, maybe not.  All day, home alone seemed like it could be trouble, but no, another great day was had!  Must admit, I spent a fair amount of time on Dead Rising ... then Chromehounds ... some more DR and later a touch of Poker.  Again, I may have consumed a tad too
much of the suggary stuff, and I must curb that soon!


Shared on Sat, 09/23/2006 - 02:16

a,b,c, easy as 1,2,3

Thank buggery its the weekend!  Not due to the not smoking thing, but mainly as I was getting bored to tears at work!  I have to get a new job sorted out, pronto!

Anyhow ... day #3 has come and gone much like the two before it.  Feeling so much better in the mornings, and getting up and out of bed is no hassle at all.  I think I can feel my lungs slowly 'opening up' again and I can't remember the last time I have managed to pull off such deep yawns!

No cigarette dreams yet thankfully ... but it is still early, early days ...


Shared on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 02:16

Day 2, done and dusted!


Over 48 hours (some say that is breaking the camel's back) and all is going well ...

Yesterday was a little more munchy than the day before - I think it is good that there will be nothing to snack on in the house tonight.  But again, other than simply getting used to not walking outside for a smoke every hour or so, nothing was any different!


Shared on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 02:41

Day 1 ... Over

So, the only real downside to this whole stopping thing (if can really be seen as a bad thing) is the consant 'clearing out' of my lungs! Eeew! Still, gives me something to do during those real dull moments here at work. Now, it is not the lack of cigarettes that make this place any more boring, it has always been this way - I just used to have a moment to get out of the office ... At best, I can can go grab a cuppa now - Good enough me thinks!

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