Day 2, done and dusted!


Shared on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 02:16

Over 48 hours (some say that is breaking the camel's back) and all is going well ...

Yesterday was a little more munchy than the day before - I think it is good that there will be nothing to snack on in the house tonight.  But again, other than simply getting used to not walking outside for a smoke every hour or so, nothing was any different!

Added bonus to day 3 (today) is that I will have to take a few hours off early as it seems my new monitor is getting delivered!  Great news!  Nice kind of a 'well done' gift to myself I guess, although in reality the deal at pc world was too good to miss - 19", flat, widescreen from HP for £150!?!  Could not pass that one up.  So, as of tonight, Dead Rising, Chromehounds and the rest will look just that little bit more splendid and just that little bit larger.  Only bugger is that it seems that my stereo has now lost its stereoness, and only outputs through one speaker!

As a footnote, apparently it is officially the first day of Autumn today - it's raining here.  Seems about right.  Just as well I love the rain - kinda have to being a Brit.


DreadPirate75's picture
Submitted by DreadPirate75 on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 02:24
Stand by for the dreams where you are having a cigarette. You will wake up and have this guilty feeling...but quickly realize that it was only a dream. hehe. Or not. Happened to me often when I quit. Stay strong!
chilm's picture
Submitted by chilm on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 04:19
Haha! Thanks for the warning, will watch out for that, but as you say, the quilty feeling should quickly pass as you realise you have done nothing wrong. Thank you for your continued support Pirate! Much appreciated!

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