The Day The World Changed


Shared on Mon, 09/11/2006 - 01:36
There is a theory called the 6 (or is it 7?) Degrees of Seperation - a concept that says that everyone in the world is connected to everyone else through 6 (or 7) leaps from person to person.  Even though I did not know anyone directly involved in the Twin Towers destruction, I do have a connection as close as 2 degrees from myself, and that is close enough to appreciate the pain it caused just that little more.

On the day itself, the whole thing seemed like a movie, being trasmitted live.  Something so alien and fantastic it was akin to the fake broadcasts of 'The War of The Worlds' many decades ago - a show that threw people into panic believing it to be real ... Only this time, it was the reverse - we knew it was real, we just could not believe it.  It was not until the one year memorial that the gravity of the whole thing really hit me hard.  I am not ashmed to say I shed a few tears that evening when I was watching the news.

My thouhgts go out to all those affected by that horrific day 5 years ago.


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