No Smoking == chubby chilm?


Shared on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 06:18
Quite possibly, and I have put on a few pounds in the last week or so ... I'm sure I have (damn maltesers!)

Soon enough I will be back on the weights and exercises!  No, really, I will ... My Lady is currently looking into Yoga classes, which should be good.  My mother is a teacher of Yoga and Aromatherapy etc.  She showed me a position call The Cows Head (!?!) that exercises your stomach one side then the other, and no shit (thankfully!) I was farting away 5 minutes later, much to my relief!

So, Yoga good.

NHL07 has been delivered and I'll be giving that a bash later on for a couple of hours after work.  The first time in weeks that I haven't turned on the 360 and played Dead Rising!  I decided I enjoyed the game enough to go for the full 1000GPs - but, now at 880, I'm happy to take a breather for a bit - especially as to get the last few I would need to do the 72hour mode (possibly twice) the Overtime mode and the Inifinte mode for the full 12-16 hours (whatever it is).  I can take a break (mmm, kitkat ... damn it!)


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