Shared on Mon, 01/21/2008 - 10:01I'm of course referring to the San Francisco Zoo incident resulting in the death of one and the serious maulling of two others. Like many, my first thought was "What the Fuck?" Then, as Paul Harvey says, "The rest of the story" started to trickle out.
The wall was 4 feet lower than code. there was no water in the moat that seperates the viewing area and the enclosure / habitat. These items are there for very important reasons. The water is supposed to put a psychological barrier and physical barrier between the animals and the patrons. The walls in the viewing area are supposed to be certain height but without some form of obstacle resourceful animals can find a way. The water is there as a momentum break. Hard for an animal to build up a head of leaping steam while trudging through water.
So, as a result of simple arithmatic we have a tragedy: Pissed-Off Carnivor (Low Wall + No Water) = Dead Patron.
Or at least, that's how it initially seemed.
When the two survivors were initially uncooperative with authorities it got a few heads tilted and a little more digging was done. After some of the other witnesses were interviewed it was discovered that the attacked teenagers had been abusing the animal; taunting, yelling, growling, roaring, and THROWING ROCKS.
Obviously, this would not be considered wise. Even though in captivity these animals are still animals. they have instinct, territorial issues, hunting needs. You taunt and throw shit at a person and you might be looking at a thrashing. You do this to a potentially violent animal, particularly the one known for carving chunks out of people when the opportunity presents itself, and you are asking to be spread on a cracker.
There was something else odd that was noted by observers and zoo officials. Apparently, this attack didn't occur immediately at the enclosure. According to reports the taunting happened, the douche-bags walked away, the tiger tried until he was able to get out, the tiger TRACKED the teens to a different area of the zoo (avoiding the other patrons) and then attacked the specific group responsible for it's humiliation.
The Tiger didn't go on a rampage, it went HUNTING. Also, the dead guy was reportedly the one most responsible for the taunting. Not only did the tiger hunt down the group but the majority of it's ire was delivered to the most appropriate target.
That's not a tragedy, that's a vendeta on a Darwinian scale.
Under these circumstances, I don't think the Tiger is anywhere at fault. It was doing what Tiger's do. The Zoo bears the brunt of the responsibility for not having their enclosures up to snuff to prevent these kinds of things. But, the guys attacked deserve NO pity. They got what they richly needed, a good ass-whoopin. i gaurantee that the survivors may think twice before abusing an animal.
I know that the dead one sure as hell won't be.
- cmoth's blog
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Submitted by ekattan on Mon, 01/21/2008 - 10:28
Submitted by microscent on Mon, 01/21/2008 - 23:33
Submitted by cmoth on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 07:15