Why I think George Lucas Smokes Crack Cocaine


Shared on Sat, 05/26/2007 - 11:21

I'm a Star Wars fan. Not a fan boy mind you, but I consider myself more than a casual observer.

I was 6 years old when I first saw Star Wars and I've been hooked ever since. I'll spare the rest of you with any details as to why I like the initial films. You'd have to be living under a rock in a very dark place to not be familiar with the movies. You either like them, hate them, or are so eatin up with them that you'll embarass your family by going to a comic-convention. Not that there's anything wrong with comic conventions it's just that it's like a Renneisance Festival with batteries.

Nope suffice it to say that I loved Episodes 4, 5 and 6. Episodes 1 and 2 annoyed me and I consider Ep 3 only mildly better. What made those original three movies enjoyable was their simplicity. People are simple creatures by nature, particularly those with entertainment dollars to spend. Keep it simple, keep it lively and maybe, just maybe, throw in a pair of boobs. The original trilogy was iconic because it didn't complicate any issues. It was cowboys and indians in space. Good was easily identified and evil was so obvious that they might as well have worn name tags, "HIGH: I'm a Bad Guy".

People like simple movies were the good people are threatened by something so bad as to remove it from the normal range of bad behavior, something none of us "normal folk" could / would possibly do. They then want to see said "bad guys" getting the crap beat out of them. Probably some deep seeded need to have retribution against that lunch money bully from childhood.

All Lucas did with the Prequels was to muddy up the waters. He turned the most villified anatgonist in modern movie history and turned him into a whiney mammas boy. He took the Jedi Order, which had been built up in the original trilogy and with extended stories to be extremely wise monk-like wise-men and turned them into cowardly dumbasses.

But, the damage is done and is not why I think Lucas has a glass pipe in his pocket. No, I think he's a crack-fiend because of his current plans. During the recent G4TV "Star Wars at 30" live broadcast, Lucas revealed that they were working on an animated series that would span the time between Ep 2 and 3. WTF? Didn't he already do that? I'm pretty sure that you can buy the box set off the Cartoon Network. He then stated that the series was going to be so mindblowing that it would "wet the appetite" for a live action series.

Crap! Here he goes again. shouldn't he be put away or something. somebody, please, take away those damn yello legal pads he uses to scribble his ideas and hide them. better yet, burn them.

If I thought for a minute that Lucas was still capable of writing dialoge that meant something or crafting a story that would make sense, I'd be all for it. But, if his latest work is any indication, he should rest on his laurels and just fade into obscutiry.



cmoth's picture
Submitted by cmoth on Sun, 05/27/2007 - 02:27
The Blog Banner is the critical tolerance schematic for the lower receiver of an AR15. I'm an Armolite AR/M16 certified armorer.
microscent's picture
Submitted by microscent on Sun, 05/27/2007 - 07:27
my bad, lower :) That sounds like it'd be a good job
UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Sun, 05/27/2007 - 13:43
Went to Celebration IV yesterday- un-fricking-real. Also spent an assload on shtuff- that place is BAD for your wallet. Even for the "just a bit more than a casual" observer!
cmoth's picture
Submitted by cmoth on Sun, 05/27/2007 - 23:04
That's why I have so far been succesful in denying myself from conventions. I KNOW I'd spend to much money. It looks like they had some GREAT swag at that "gathering of the uber-geeks". But $5000 for a small bronze casting of Darth Vader? The crack smoke must have been heavy at that board meeting.
cmoth's picture
Submitted by cmoth on Sun, 05/27/2007 - 23:05
The next time I mispell the word "Hi" could someone please shoot me.
microscent's picture
Submitted by microscent on Sat, 05/26/2007 - 11:30
I had a dream the other night that me and a few friends tried to bribe lucas to remake the new episodes. They were much better! LOL Your banner looks like the upper reciever of an m16.

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