Magazine themes...


Shared on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 12:22
For those of you interested, I'd like to here your thought some some upcoming magazine themes. This month has a little theme dealing with developer/designers and history on some of the popular ones. Last issue was all about puzzle games and educational gaming, a few months prior we did a spot on the history of gaming.

Anything you guys would like to see as the primary focus for any upcoming issues?

I was thinking about an issue on MMO's but I'm afraid I'll get mostly WoW folks and I'd not get the cross-section of MMO gaming that I'd like to see. Unless I've got volunteers for other MMO's that want to write up content.

Any other ideas you'd like?



Orbytal's picture
Submitted by Orbytal on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 12:23
Derf's picture
Submitted by Derf on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 12:26
Welp Code, I played galaxies for 3 years, did Guild wars for a bit, tried matrix online right before I went back to WoW. I guess I'm the most current on the Matrix online. I'd have to reup in galaxies to give a recent review... I did leave that game with 211,000,000 credits and a ton of property hehe. As for an idea - have we ever done an issue focusing on what it's like to be an older gamer or focusing on older gaming in general?
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 12:26
I could do an article on UO's history if there's details around about it. How about an issue about T&A in gaming???
Blue_Stiehl's picture
Submitted by Blue_Stiehl on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 12:27
How about an interview with all the site clans?
SciDad23's picture
Submitted by SciDad23 on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 16:05
I second the notion for the site clans. Don't forget us over at GSN. With Madden out and NBA Live/2k6 and Tiger Woods on it's way, we'd most likely have some printable, if not tremendously witty and engrossing things to say.

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