Sold PS3 on eBay - ho hum


Shared on Wed, 12/20/2006 - 22:23
So we bought it at a wal-mart discount for $540, the damn auction went off for $610.00. After all the fee's and crap we Net roughly $16.00.

Not a real great sale, but I guess that's just how it is with PS3's. Nobody really cares.

Ironically a guy down the road wanted us to close the auction and pay us in cash ($750.00). But since the PS3 auctions are so "hot" we didn't want to get hit with a violation on eBay by pulling an auction. So we played the good guy and left the auction running, hoping we'd get whatever we got...well we got barely anything.

Oh well, eBay just hasn't been lucky for us.



stragglerJ's picture
Submitted by stragglerJ on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 13:23
hey man I had a PS3 and tried selling it too.. but no one would buy it so I just took it back and returned it... i bought it for 524.99 and was selling it for 600 and no one would still buy it..
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Wed, 12/20/2006 - 22:26
dats a bit a karma. lol. Nah. Ebay auctions have dropped hardcore the past few one gives two shits about the ps3...especially now since Time magazine said it was a failure.
codemonkey's picture
Submitted by codemonkey on Wed, 12/20/2006 - 22:28
We've never had luck with ebay. Tried selling a DVD player once, auction ended up being $15.00 for a $60 player. The only thing I've had any success in selling was my old used compaq ipaq's and a bunch of Dragon Magazines. CodeMonkey
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Wed, 12/20/2006 - 22:35
ah. well damn. honestly I havent had much luck with ebay either...just for selling artwork. Nothing else has really sold well. People just dont wanna pay for what its worth. Its like an online flea market.
Jedi_Kez's picture
Submitted by Jedi_Kez on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 00:16
Should have told the guy down the street to bid on it on EBay... would have saved you the shipping too! :)
BrokenDesign's picture
Submitted by BrokenDesign on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 09:21
I really, really think that Sony PR has skipped their feet and went straight to shooting themselves in the FACE. All their hype and promises that went completely unfulfilled by the launch titles is just telling people that it *might* be worth it, but it'd be best to wait and find out, see if maybe the price drops before any titles they actually want to play are released, or don't feel like buying a Blu-Ray player at this time, even a really "cheap" Blu-Ray player. In my situation, I'm sick of hearing things like the recent statement by Phil Harrison, saying that no one will ever harness the full power of the PS3. Great, so you want me to pay $500 or $600 for a console (oops, I'm sorry, COMPUTER) that will never be fully utilized? If that's the case, that the hell is the point of putting all that bulk into it? I'd rather it be a PS2 situation where at the time the PS3 was announced (2 years before it was released) developers were milking that thing for every last drop of horsepower and doing any tricks they could possibly think of to pull off what they wanted to in their games. Screw you, Sony, your console can choke and you can die. Then maybe you won't use the arrogance tactic in your marketing and hype and won't treat gamers like a bunch of ignorant sheep. Even though obviously some of them are, the fanboys who denounce the Xbox 360 as being a worthless console, despite the fact that MS doesn't say that it's so freakishly amazingly astoundingly earth-shakingly amazingly amazing that it's a supercomputer for the budget price of $600!!!!!1!11!!11!!

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