SPAM is entertaining


Shared on Mon, 10/23/2006 - 09:19
When life gets you down, just turn to spam. It's the one form of entertainment that is supposed to be real, yet makes absolutely no sense. Now, as I understand it, spam is supposed to get you to buy something or whatever right? It doesn't exist just to exist, but serves some further underground purpose, right?

Assuming that, I must ask, why do people in what must be non-US countries continue to bombard me with spam that I cannot read. It's using English words - for sure - or at least some basis on roman characters and some germanic ancient language. But, what does it say?

"Weighty note. You need read."

Or, from MRWANG (no subject): "Why does the 3D Stereo-Vision Viewer have so huge magic? Make a call to Nan Peng, and you will meet a satisfied answer. Please hurry up!"

I love this one, what does it mean!!!???
"Acquisition news to send XTPT flying!!!"

Now, I get some SPAM at my work account that seems to be in English and written as such. Usually, it's about me needing to lose weight (concerned Americans? Well, I'm not really overweight), need v14gr4 - pretty sure they want me to take some erection stuff but I'm all set in that department. Why do I need an erection at work anyway? After all, I am a software engineer and we have like a 1:100 ration of women to men.

Oh well, something to think about...



fecknmental's picture
Submitted by fecknmental on Mon, 10/23/2006 - 20:04
Spam i have seen it all the worse ones are where they have your name and you like wtf? Open it and it and its doiugliugfIYG probably just seeing if a valid email address. I get those emails about you needing Viagra i just assumed that was your business :lol:

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