I am pissed...


Shared on Fri, 06/27/2008 - 18:45

Those of you that know me...know that it takes me alot to get worked up about things. I am a really easy going guy and even though I am a single child I have that "middle child" syndrome where I try and fix things rather then let it escalate. Up to this point...I have felt saddened...depressed...regretful on how things went with my recent breakup. I am no longer any of these things...I am angry...still hurt some yes, but pissed to the max now. I feel more now that the whole relationship was a scam on her part and I walked right into it. I called her thinking that we might have some kind of friendship left between us after all we have been through together...I guess not. I had gone and gotten some blood work done recently...doc wants me to come in and talk about some more tests. (great... :( ) So I was hoping to have the friend in her to talk with...help ease my mind...nope. She was on the phone with me long enough to hear that I had to go again for tests and then she tells me she has to go. Next thing I know I see her hop online on the box into video chat with this guy she has been flirting with for awhile. Found out all of this from a mutual friend who just found out that she has been seeing him on the side. So great...now I really feel like a sucker. What adds to it all...and really compounds all of this for me. While we were together she was "supposedly having" financial problems...I helped out...got her electric in my name...over 5 months loaned her over 2 grand. I get the final electric bill in the mail today since she moved and I had it disconnected. Yeah...she hadn't been paying it...so another $450 stuck to me. I called her about it...she hung up on me. Guess I am not going to be seeing a dime of my money back. I am so pissed...damn her for scamming me...damn me for falling for it. Well, on the bright side...I am no longer upset about our break...I hope she rots in hell for what she did.


eStalker's picture
Submitted by eStalker on Thu, 07/03/2008 - 21:38
aw man. i don't know you but i feel your pain. at least you know and got out. it would have been so much worse if you had married her in a community property state.
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Fri, 06/27/2008 - 20:38
call child services on her. anonymously. ;)
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Fri, 06/27/2008 - 22:15
things will get better

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