Mentally Constipated


Shared on Fri, 03/21/2008 - 07:40
For the last year and a half or so, I've been seriously lagging in my creativity. A good part of that problem I'd say has been the all-consuming WoW. Now, I'm not blaming the game, I made the choice to play it, it's been a fun romp, and I really liked being able to adventure with my friends virtually, since I'd have given myself a heart-attack if I ever had to run as much in real life as I did the 1st 40 levels. My problem here is the time investment. I spend so much time playing, my other interests have fallen by the wayside. I can't recall the last book I read, and I'm a guy who used to read 3 books at a time. My art has suffered since I haven't really kept working at it or pursuing more art-type challenges, or the ones that I have, I totally dropped the ball on. A big apology to you here Batman.   Plus other factors have cropped up to make the game just not-fun for me anymore. My friends still message me asking for me to log in, which I do for a little while, but I have no heart in it anymore. I'm sure I'll check out the new expansion when it comes out, explore a little bit and see what's new, but I'm done with it for now. My lady and her son both like to play it when they're here, so I won't be canceling my account or anything cold-turkey like. So, with my new time, I've decided to try to pick up the pencil again. I've drawn a couple of my buddies WoW toons, and I took up Codemonkey's request looking for some fantasy art for his flash game, just to try and get my drawing chops back. I have a mess of rpg ideas I want to pursue. I miss the good ol' days of tabletop gaming with real people and rolling dice. Awhile back I posted my post-apocalyptic setting concept, and I have an idea for a D&D setting I want to develop and see about getting published in either pdf or dead-tree form. And on top of that, I'd like to re-tool XenoPWN into a faster game. Not to mention I have a few Warhammer40k minis I'd like to paint,...~sigh~ too many hobbies. But, first things first, gotta pick up that pencil. Hopefully, I can get comfortable enough drawing again and pick up the projects that have sat on the back-burner for too long.


codemonkey's picture
Submitted by codemonkey on Fri, 03/21/2008 - 09:24
It's all about getting back into it. I've been there dude. I played Guild Wars for 2 years and then I jumped into WoW for a year and some change. It literally feels like I've lost 3 years of real life, however, I can't rightly say it was a total waste. I met a lot of cool friends in GuildWars and a few in World of Warcraft as well, mainly from this site. Rythmdevil, SgtStryker, Buffy and so many others in Guild Wars and a bunch o' folks in WoW. But, in exchange, you lose a lot of your hobbies and other worldly challenges. Sometimes that's good, because you can get back into it and breath new life into your hobbies, everyone needs a change for a new perspective. I remember reading books, I used to read books before bed for years at one time. Now, it's not all WoW and GW for me, it also had to do with having two children. Life changes with video games but it also changes with children, and that all happened for my wife and I (who also plays WoW and GW) all at the same time. One thing you can count on though, I'm an extremely motivated individual, you can ask Doodi for proof. One I'm going to do it, I'm going to get it done and make sure everyone on the project stays invigorated and stoked to be doing it as well.
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Fri, 03/21/2008 - 10:14
if there is a chick character....Please give her huge Psychlock, Ms.Marvel, Red Sonja, or Madame Mirage... mmmmm....boobies...
TheCrazyPerson's picture
Submitted by TheCrazyPerson on Fri, 03/21/2008 - 13:05
I understand what you mean Josh, I would like to support your drawing needs. I would like to to design a tat for me, something small with Jesse's name in it :)
TheCrazyPerson's picture
Submitted by TheCrazyPerson on Fri, 03/21/2008 - 13:05
the first to = you

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