The Bad Karma For The Karma System


Shared on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 17:00
Since this issue is pretty much beat into the ground I will try to be short (doubt it). Karma was created for many reasons. Those reasons will only make sense if people actually use Karma correctly. Most of these reason have already been stated in the many posts around that site.

That being said, the fact that many people have already set karma up to fail after only 4 days disappoints me. I cant say that I didn't expect issues, but the general attitude and misuses is not what I expected from our adult community. I think a big part of me just feels disappointed at the way people have either used it or perceived it. Maybe I did put to much faith in the members here, but I truly thought handing moderation back into the hands of the community was the right thing to do. As much as the moderators work, it is also hard to keep up with every single forum here. Even they need a little help sometime.

Like anything on this site, the karma is a test. If handled well I was planning on allowing more moderation for the members. Maybe posting privileges suspended for bad karma or rewards for good. I suppose that may just be another bad move, but only time will tell. If not, then this test can come to a close just as easily as it was started.

I have no issue with removing features that I create. After all, I'm not building this site for my own purpose, I'm building it for you guys. If you don't like something, then it shouldn't be there. All I would ask is that you give everything I test a chance. There is no way to actually see how karma will effect the community unless we actually use it, and use it correctly. Time will be the determining factor and I plan on at least giving it a chance. I hope you guys will too.


fecknmental's picture
Submitted by fecknmental on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 17:19
I must apologise if my post has started a backlash off regarding the Karma. i personally think it is a great idea but i must admit i dont really see much negative flaming etc to report negative flaming. I have marked a few positive but must admit maybe not as much as i should. I feel this is great if it is going to make your life easier so you can concentrate on new fun and exciting content for the forum. I personally want to thank you for giving us a bit more of a role on the forum which at the end of the day helps us. I think the hardest things people are maybe getting tere head round is opinion and flaming we all know what flaming is but sometime some one`s opinion can be seen as not rigt to you and may even offend some people however the thing is this there opinion. I understand that which is why i posted what i did. Thing is as well if we see someone who has negative Karma and we dont agree with we can always give them positive Karma i was just unsure if you would be tracking people who misuse it and if it is even possible. Keep up the good work and i now sound like i am sucking so far up your ass its not funny lol. No funny comments please :lol:
pendragon's picture
Submitted by pendragon on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 17:31
I think, like yourself, that so long as people are mature about it then it will work out fine. What If it was more "vote" based. Like, If someone gives you a thumbs down then you get one vote towrds getting a negative Karma point. The same for Positive Karma. After you have accumelated so many votes(like 3 or so) you get one +or- Karma point. Each member can only ever click once for each (+,-) per member, ever. You can "vote" 1+ and 1- per member then you are never allowed to vote for that member again. If you did vote both for a member it would just cancel itself out. That way you could take it back your original vote If you changed your mind in the future. This way it is more of a community decision then an individual decision. If someone gets a -1 Karma it is because more then one person thought they desrved it. It will also carry more weight that way also. Just my thoughts...
DrPlague's picture
Submitted by DrPlague on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 17:45
The karma issue was set up to be abused in the first place. You can slap someone in the face in an anonymous way, why wouldn't someone do it for something as small as not liking your view on games, politics or clan affiliation. I know this site is for mature gamers, but this goes on in everyday life. Why shouldn't it go on here? Just my opinion but it takes a bit of the fun out of the site.
pendragon's picture
Submitted by pendragon on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 17:49
But you can only vote 1+ and 1- per member ever. You could vote both but, that would cancel out. You couldn't keep voting for negative Karma for the same person over and over again. Is that what you ment?
fecknmental's picture
Submitted by fecknmental on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 17:49
Again i can see where you are coming from but at the end of the day these people that are that sad will only ruin it for themselves. Everybody on here is here because the like it and i for one wouldnt want to ruin it for myself. I have done a lot of posting lately in blogs etc and have only experiened an issue with the Karma once which is pretty good going in my eyes anyway. People will start to learn what flaming and whats opinion eventually thats if its given a chance? As Doodi says if its going to be a big issue it can easily be removed but then thats taking away a little bit from us as we are all being trusted to do a little bit more? Why should we be penalised because someone wants to spoil it I personally dont think thats too fair on us :)
ripend_turmoil's picture
Submitted by ripend_turmoil on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 17:54
Its so frik-n simple...if a member is good to you, your clan, this site and it is expressed directly to you at this time I would say +1 for karma. On the other side of the coin... if a member is consistently and habitually steering threads into a direction of conflict and never has anything nice to at and is directing conversation directly @ you or your clan. In my eyes it should be a -1. Its simple... I feel doodi to a "t"! I dont get, how some people dont get it. In the negative scenario I listed above I failed to mention that I like to give a second chance to people...because I would want one if I messed up. After the 2nd though...thats it. I guess in a nutshell what im saying is dont be so quick to act on impulse of emotion...Doodi man! I want to see this work, because I can really see your loyalty & commitment to this site. *note* i did read all the responses to the thread in the forum. so im not commenting blindly.
ripend_turmoil's picture
Submitted by ripend_turmoil on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 17:56
Damn I should have proof read
DrPlague's picture
Submitted by DrPlague on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 17:59
I am not worried about one person doing it to another person, because they can only vote once. It is just human nature for a group to gang up on someone like a mob. I never thought it was that hard to figure out who you wanted to be involved with on the site and who you wanted to stay away from. It is like going to a big cocktail party. When you show up at the party there isn't a sign on people informing you who most the party likes and who most the party doesn't like. I think a number representing who you are to new people is a bad idea. Why can't people just talk to each other and find who they are drawn to? Doodi is the man, and he saved my gaming life by creating this site. This is only my opinion. 98% of the changes doodi makes to this site are things I think are great. I'm just not crazy about this one.
fecknmental's picture
Submitted by fecknmental on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 18:10
Th epositive way to look at this Dr is that if someone does go out there way to pick on you it will be noticable and yes you can do somethin about it. I am sure that the moderaters can track all theh votes if they really need to? One question Dr has this been happening to you already?
DrPlague's picture
Submitted by DrPlague on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 18:14
No fecknmental, it has not. I'm just having trouble seeing it's need. I will leave you all with this.. I'M NOT A NUMBER I'M A FREE MAN!
fecknmental's picture
Submitted by fecknmental on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 18:20
Cool well its good to get your opinion out i can see where you are coming from and respect that. Changes never suit everyone and at least you feel you can express that which shows that some of us are mature enough to acknowledge that :)
GIJoeBob's picture
Submitted by GIJoeBob on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 09:23
Would it be possible to inflict negative karma on a person that gives out "too much" negative karma? That could help make people think twice before handing out a -1. Just a thought.
CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 11:37
I think the system is probably fine but it was just timing. You introduced two new systems for members to 'express' themselves back to back and it just takes people a little while to absorb the impact and how to respond appropriately. There are a couple of factors here that make it looks like it is more negatively perceived than it probably is. 1. As I said, there were two systems back to back and I know that I started using one of them before I really understood how to use it properly so I am guessing others did too. It is not that I didn't read it the information but we are gamers (button pushers by nature), so it needs some time to absorb. Perhaps waiting a month for one system to take root would have helped. It is just an time to adjust type thing. 2. Closely related is just the negative impact that changing something has on everyone at first. Even good changes cause stress and I think thats part of the feedback you would get at first. 3. Which I think you already realize is the reaction time of the community. Some people are going to only log on once a week, some people only during the day, some people only in the evenings. My off the cuff reaction to the blogging rating system was it was some kind of popularity contest. Now that it has been up for a while I am better able to analyze its merits but I still haven't made up my mind about it. I haven't even started to think about the Karma system. You obviously have thought these things out way ahead because you are a programmer and site admin and you have to. Remember the rest of us are way back here in the process ;)!! Also, not everybody will wait until they analyze before they give you their opinion. Some people like to stick with initial impressions; it makes life easier in general especially when they have a lot of decisions to make on any given day. 3. The whole idea of us taking more responsibility for moderating content is a BIG concept; some people on the site already understand it, some people are beginning too and not sure if it is a good idea or not, some people don't understand the need for the change and some people don't want to and haven't realized yet that they don't have to. This is complicated by the fact that each person spends different amounts of time on the site. In conclusion, you are going to get 'beginning negative' feedback for those who maybe don't understand the system yet (even though you have gone over and over it yourself) as well as 'moderate negative'feedback from those who are adjusting and making suggestions for fine tuning and 'diehard negative' feedback from those who don't like it period. I am sure that all adds up to one big lump of negativity! I say give it another month for people to adjust unless you see something imparitive to adjust (like the whole gang mentality thing for the blogs) and see if things are is bad. I hope that in the meantime people are patient enough to realize this is in process and don't just say "forget this, I am going elsewhere' before it is worked out. Good luck Doodi!
fecknmental's picture
Submitted by fecknmental on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 13:22
Well people have the choice if they dont like they dont have to use. I am a strong believer that if you dont know what something is dont touch it. I personally thought it was quite obvious what it was but I still never really used it. Now i have stated paying more attention the blogs section and find it is quite helpful in that :)
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 16:07
A karma system we had on another site worked well, positives were easy, you got clicked, it went up, but it took 3 (or 5) negatives for it to go down. But I have a good rule that I used from my admin time on other boards (with tons of kids and those little bastards make you think before doing anything), If someone makes me mad, I wait for 5 minutes, then re read, and decide if it is worth starting something over. Giving negative karma to some one for political views or T-Bagging you in Halo just wont work but it is going to happen. So Doodi if you can perhaps have it where it will take a few negs to impact the karma that might work. The two people who annoy me on this site have not gotten negative karma by me just because of my 5 minute rule,
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 16:11
I also wanted to add and I am sorry for double posting Doodi, that the Karma system is the only part of the site that I dont like, but I do not think it should be removed.
fecknmental's picture
Submitted by fecknmental on Sat, 10/14/2006 - 07:16
Well i look at it as Karma is more to do with temperment so its not the opinion thats gets marked on its the way its put across. I have seen one person with really low Karma but then reading some of there posts i can see why they are very argumentative and come across as very agressive so in this case it has worked properly.
DrPlague's picture
Submitted by DrPlague on Sat, 10/14/2006 - 13:52
That is a great idea Falelorn. Positive karma should outway negative.
UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Sat, 10/14/2006 - 13:53
How about taking the karma system out of the Political forum? Isn't that where 90% of the high-emotion threads/flames are? Make it a cage match in there and make members actually have to take the extra step of finding another post in another forum if they really want to give someone -1 karma. Or possibly tie it to the member's homepage so that the voter has to take those extra few seconds to think about what they are doing. Just a couple of ideas. Thanks again, Doodi. It's a great idea, I'm excited to see if it works itself out. Keep up the awesome work.

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