First Real Contest Concludes


Shared on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 14:49
So we just got done holding the first of hopefully many 2o2p contests and it was great to see so many enter for a copy of ShadowRun.  Tank really blew away the competition and with all the work he was done on the site for the last year or so I must say that I couldn't be happier.  Everyone that entered deserved to win, but I'm sure with the new contests I have coming up there will be plenty of more chances. 

Until the next contest guys, keep on being the greatest gaming members on the web.  Oh and tank, my sword awaits you in ShadowRun.


the5thchild's picture
Submitted by the5thchild on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 15:05
21st for me. :( Thanks for the opportunity though. To be honest, the contest really did get me to put in more effort around the site. If this was the case for others as well, then I think that you "discovered" a nice little bonus effect of the contest. And to Tank... doodi is lethal with that freakin' sword. One word of advice... buy gust. :D
Baine's picture
Submitted by Baine on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 15:36
Thanks for having the contest in the first place. Winning anything is secondary to having just the opportunity to do so.
stang503421's picture
Submitted by stang503421 on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 17:54
Kudos for having the contest - congrats Tank! Look out next time - i was 8th but I'm coming after you! In a few short years I'll have as many posts as you dammit! :) Btw, Doodi send me an invite next time you're playing shadowrun if you want an easy target...
NoGame22's picture
Submitted by NoGame22 on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 18:26
Good turn out and I'm glad everyone had fun. The big thanks should go to Microsoft for hooking us up with a copy to give away. Without that there wouldn't have been a contest. So thanks to the participants and to MS for the nice little gift.

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