Its Wedding Time


Shared on Thu, 05/10/2007 - 14:48
Im off to see my big brother finally tie the knot so I wont be on for a few days. I have the not so exciting task of writing up my best man speech which, like most things in my life, I have put off till a day before the wedding. So Im going to try to cut out early and head down to my parents place for some quite time with me, a pen, and some paper. I'll see you all on Monday.

P.S. Being the best man actually sucks. You pay for the party, you're entrusted with the ring, and you get to make a fool of yourself in front of 400 of your friends and family.


SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Thu, 05/10/2007 - 14:51
Best Speech to Give: doodi: "Big Brother, I wish you and your lovely wife a long and happy marriage. Suck it!"
YEM's picture
Submitted by YEM on Thu, 05/10/2007 - 14:53
some quiet time eh??? haha
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Thu, 05/10/2007 - 14:54
I know the feeling, i have to do the same. Modern tradition though is not for the Best Man to toast the groom, it's to toast the bride. I dont' even know my brothers bride that I have to toast since he lives 3000 miles away. I'm dreading it.
KingDrewsky's picture
Submitted by KingDrewsky on Thu, 05/10/2007 - 15:00
I've given the speech once. It totally sucks and I was more nervous for my friend's wedding than my own. I ended up just winging some sappy sentimental stuff when I got on the microphone. If you want to throw in a joke use, "They say that marriage is an institution .... and I have always believed that SubTizzle belongs in a institution." That one is my favorite.
doodirock's picture
Submitted by doodirock on Thu, 05/10/2007 - 15:03
I really dont know the bride all that well and our family is any thing but modern so I'll mostly be talking about my bro. Just dont have much to say. "Good job."
Stryker927's picture
Submitted by Stryker927 on Thu, 05/10/2007 - 15:04
It's an honor to be the best man. My brother and I did it for one another. Just be yourself and don't feel like you have to "say the right thing". Act as if you were saying it right to your brother in the same manner you would any other time. Keeping it real will mean the most to them. :)
Blue_Stiehl's picture
Submitted by Blue_Stiehl on Thu, 05/10/2007 - 15:50
I found that having just enough to drink to chase the jitters away helps. Just don't succumb to friends and family wanting a funny story. That never ends well. :)
DarthCestual's picture
Submitted by DarthCestual on Thu, 05/10/2007 - 18:30
I was the best man once, I just winged the speech. The important part was the TWO strippers for the batchelor party! ;)
Bluestar's picture
Submitted by Bluestar on Thu, 05/10/2007 - 19:37
Just wing it. You'll find yourself coming up with something new to say when the day comes anyway. I did it my for my friend and it turned out fine. The best part was when I looked at the bride, laughed and said, "Good Luck, he's your problem now!"
BCKinetic's picture
Submitted by BCKinetic on Thu, 05/10/2007 - 20:24
I've been Best Man 3 times (yeah, I'm that cool). But one thing I did at everyone and it went off awesome (finish off with this) - "SubT I want you to take your new bride's hand in yours, just place your hand on top of hers. Look her in her eyes and feel that awesome connection. But more importantly, I want you to take the time to remember this moment as the last time you had... the 'upper hand' " I've used it 3x and every time it was a huge hit. Good luck to ya buddy, I'm sure you'll do fine. ;)

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