The Site Will Be Off Line


Shared on Sat, 04/21/2007 - 01:13
Just a little FYI, the site will be going down sometime this week around Thursday April 26th for at least a couple days. I need to finalize a bunch of old mods I have been working on, tie up the SCC testing, and try to optimize the site a little more to get things running a bit faster. I should have everything completed in about 2-3 days and I'll post the exact time when I figure it out.

Why am I doing this? The site hasn't had any real maintenance in a long time and things are really starting to get mucked up on the inside. Im starting to forget what files are and why I wrote some of the code which is never a good sign. If things go well it could be a simple 3 hour process, but things never do when it comes to the backend of this site. So hopeful the outage wont be more then 2 days max. Just make sure you watch the forums and the site news for more information.

FYI: I am going to try and get site chat up while everyone waits you at least have something to do with your time. 


Maxxie's picture
Submitted by Maxxie on Mon, 04/23/2007 - 00:06
Thanks for the heads up hope all goes well...or else...well I guess we'll know if it doesn't, won't we? ;) I'm not worried, honest! Maxxie
flushdeck's picture
Submitted by flushdeck on Wed, 04/25/2007 - 08:46
I'm kind of new here and I thought the site was pretty well done as is, but good luck anyway. But please don't "improve" like bungie did to their site. B4 it was easy to navigate. Now it's more corporate like Microsoft - lots of info that can't be found.
TheCrazyPerson's picture
Submitted by TheCrazyPerson on Sat, 04/21/2007 - 01:27
Good luck with all that and thanks for the heads up! :)
Em's picture
Submitted by Em on Sat, 04/21/2007 - 01:28
well, shit...I guess you gotta do it
CrypticCat's picture
Submitted by CrypticCat on Sat, 04/21/2007 - 07:01
you gotta do what ya gotta do, man.
webmonkee's picture
Submitted by webmonkee on Sat, 04/21/2007 - 08:12
git 'er done. We'll be waiting. :)
rockcrawler69's picture
Submitted by rockcrawler69 on Sat, 04/21/2007 - 08:43
you do what ya gotta bro!!!!
Rashanii's picture
Submitted by Rashanii on Sat, 04/21/2007 - 09:04
Dammit. I mean, OK, good luck!
Blue_Stiehl's picture
Submitted by Blue_Stiehl on Sat, 04/21/2007 - 09:17
I think my clan is going to need a support group. :)
ScoutAbout's picture
Submitted by ScoutAbout on Mon, 04/23/2007 - 19:12
Good luck and thanks for everything you do! This is a GREAT site!
NorthernPlato's picture
Submitted by NorthernPlato on Sat, 04/21/2007 - 11:16
You'll make sure you have D on standby to fix what you break, right? :)
NoGame22's picture
Submitted by NoGame22 on Sat, 04/21/2007 - 11:55
site chat gonna be down to or will that still be up and running.
NorthernPlato's picture
Submitted by NorthernPlato on Wed, 04/25/2007 - 19:40
/tinfoilhat Ok, I'm ready. Do it quick! I hate it when the bandaids are pulled slowly. At least I'll still have site chat =( I'm scared. Someone hold me.
tlchristendom's picture
Submitted by tlchristendom on Sat, 04/21/2007 - 12:36
Well, I guess this would be a good time to go to Gamer's Anonymous; I won't tell, if you don't. By the way, Rashanii, what are you doing here? Christendom
Jake's picture
Submitted by Jake on Sat, 04/21/2007 - 15:50
Good luck. I hope you can get teh site up before the DT's start. I'm going ot have to committ myself otherwise. :p
LtBlarg's picture
Submitted by LtBlarg on Sat, 04/21/2007 - 20:40
What... NO CHAT !!! Aaarrrggghhh
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 04/21/2007 - 21:01
Sounds good man, keep up the awesome work.
d0od's picture
Submitted by d0od on Sat, 04/21/2007 - 21:25
You gunna put some temporary forums up over at gamestooge so we don't get all distraught and suicidal? :)
SugartasticJ's picture
Submitted by SugartasticJ on Sun, 04/22/2007 - 00:22
I'll be busy on Wednesday and Thursday next week, so schedule your downtime then. OK? Thanks. If you cannot accommodate my selfish schedule, I hope you are prescribing some kind of transdermal patch or medication for the withdrawal symptoms. I'll pick up the meds at my local Costco. Thanks, Doodi. Sug
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Tue, 04/24/2007 - 13:27
But what is Falelorn going to do if he can't blog??
hedache's picture
Submitted by hedache on Tue, 04/24/2007 - 16:21
"If things go well it could be a simple 3 hour process..." in the computer world, this kind of thinking leads to an outage that takes more than a week. :)
Brains's picture
Submitted by Brains on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 09:00
If you need a hand with anything lemme know!

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