Strange Halo Mod


Shared on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 02:13
So I just got modded on Halo 2.  No big deal right. Happens every day.  What was weird with this mod, is that every time you shot someone with any bullet it was and automatic head shot snipe.  The even stranger thing, was that it worked for both teams!  Why would anyone want to mod for both teams?  I have to admit, it was kind of fun shooting an SMG at someone and having it say head shot snipe every time.  Weird. 


BCKinetic's picture
Submitted by BCKinetic on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 18:14
Spoken like a true Jedi!
Angelito's picture
Submitted by Angelito on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 06:52
I've played alot of mod games in my "past halo2 days" were was just modding amounst friends. That was alot of fun. The variants they had were incredible. I remember one were your rocket luncher fired warthogs. Also on relica the super punch mood. Simple the only thing was that if you hit something solid you would go flying, but if it was another player he would go flying off the island or against a wall:) Hit the ground and was super jump time.
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 07:58
you were tempted by the dark side padawan. Do not fall to it! fear leads to modding, modding leads to hate, hate....leads to Timmy!

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