Shared on Wed, 02/16/2011 - 23:30As some of you know, astronomy is one of my hobbies and I have blogged about it in the past. Now, a friend of mine wrote a book for astronomical observing. I wanted to share it with you because I think it is great, not because he's my friend. Called "Objects in the Heavens", it is a complete Northern Deep-sky (and lunar) viewing list and fieldbook. It has some new twists on locating and identifying items in the sky. The lunar section is fantastic in that unlike anything else I've seen, it identifies objects for viewing based on the day of the lunar month and shows the prominent items at or near the terminator (the line that delineates the dark from the illumunated portion of the moon). For more information and to see what makes this so great, here is the link to his site. Check it out.
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