Where am I, how did I get here, why am I here? Part 3


Shared on Wed, 05/24/2006 - 19:37

The where and how we got here was covered in the previous 2 Blog entries. The why is probably more complex. Currently we have 91 members in our clan, most are active in the forum and/or XBL. We reside from Hawaii to Nova Scotia, northern Ontario to southern FLorida. We are professionals, managers, in the trades, unemployed, self employed, white collar and blue collar, and no collar at all. Its almost like a parody of the Village People. And on top of that, We range in age from the middle twenties to me, at 63! We are married, single, divorced, with kids, without kids (that we know of), co-habitating, and generally run the gamut of relationships.

Without this forum and our clan in particular, most of us would never have met. Or if we had met, may have never gotten to know each other because of our backgrounds or appearance. And before I hear from those who think I mean the white collar not talking to blue collar or professional not talking to a tradesman, it goes both ways. I have worked in a dirty, hot, dangerous plant packaging chemicals as a common laborer and many of my co-workers would not have talked with my father, a white collar chemist unless it was mandatory!

BUT we are all gamers playing primarily Halo on XBL. We have a respect for each other, our clan, and the community we know as 2old2play. Within the general population and more particularly our immediate environments, we are alone. How many of us really know more than 1 or 2 adults who are into gaming either within our communities or even families? Without this community, we would be alone, playing Timmies (gasp, gasp, choke, choke), and most of us would be quickly leaving the Xbox Live gaming community. Instead we continue our gaming, celebrating the good things that happen to others in the clan, comforting those who suffer, offer our advice to each other, laugh, joke, and carry on in a true family way. We are not perfect, we have our issues and problems, but they seem to get worked out for the benefit of all. The group dynamics that I see here could be an example to the business and public world as a demonstration of how groups should work!

A hearty thanks to 2old2play and even bigger thanks to 2old2pwn for letting me be part of a wonderful experience and world!


LordKerdaq's picture
Submitted by LordKerdaq on Wed, 05/24/2006 - 20:17
Well said Doorgunner, well said....
DEEP_NNN's picture
Submitted by DEEP_NNN on Wed, 05/24/2006 - 20:34
Are we a melting pot or a garden salad? That is the question. Its been working, thats the answer. Good thoughtful post.
StunGib's picture
Submitted by StunGib on Wed, 05/24/2006 - 21:58
As we get older, the demographic for "gamers" is getting older as well. Soon we will take over the world....Muhaa Muahaaaa...Muahahahahahaaa! Its very cool to be associated with such a diverse range of ages in our clan. Especially guys in there 50s and 60s!

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