Shared on Mon, 08/21/2006 - 10:54I'm talking about dieting. Several others have started to workout and change their eating habits for different reasons; health, career move, but not me mine is financial. See I can only fit into 3 pairs of pants I own comfortably. There are a couple I can wear but when I sit at my desk I have to unbutton them and hide that behind my belt buckle & untuck my shirt a little hoping it covers it Then when I get up I have to remember to button them back very ninja like so noone notices it. Really though I dont have to lose that much I'm shoothing to drop to about 160-165 which is only around 20lbs. Once I get there I'll hit the weights and my goal is to be back to benching 230 by christmas. I was right around 200 about 8 weeks ago it was then I made the first big change I quit getting a bag of chips, candy bar, & a pop from the vending machines twice a day. Not only was I gaining weight I was wasting money. Well I cut that and started bringing stuff from home and switched to Diet pop. I'd like to drop pop all together but my body is addictied to caffine but not my mind, if that makes any sense. I dont crave pop but if I go more than 12 hours I get an insanely bad headache and I get migraines once a week as it is so another headache is NOT welcome esp one that I can prevent. Around the same time i cut back on my portions I was eating about 2 large helpings of food at a time. on top of dinnner I'd have a snack in the late evenings, now a snack usually included another helping of what I ate for dinner. I have always been able to eat alot of food and it never affected my smaller frame, I'm only 5'10" and until about 1-2 years ago I was never over 170lbs. I dont eat breakfast b/c I dont get up in time and dont really care for breakfast items, aside from bacon but I cant have that so no worries. I have a snack around 9am then lunch, probably another snack, meet my wife at the gym around 530-6 and then dinner soon after that. It helps that she is trying to lose weight for her cousins wedding in 8 weeks, she's decieded to eat only fruit & slimfast drinks, and though I dont approve of starving ones self I told her as long as she doesnt pass out, act weak, or complain about being hungry I wont worry about her. Hunger is my main problem in this ordeal, if I'm hungry for too long I'll get a headache there too. Its usually in my eyes and base of my skull/top of my neck they will go away once I get some food in my belly. I'm so used to eating several times aday and alot of filling foods It'll be difficult to get through this first week or so. Working out is never an issue I love to do stuff, I"m always active in some sport either at the church or recreational I like to compete and being at the top of my game helps me feel better about myself. I start Flag football in about 2 months so I have some time to get to where I want to be for that, Softball ended last Wed and we finished 2nd in the league 1st in our division final record was 12-4 1 lost to the 1st place team and the other 3 were to teams we should have stomped. ah well there's still fall ball coming up.
On a Cool note my 360 has been spotted and pretty much in the bag but I have to wait until christmas I think i can hold out since I never planed my wife to be happy about me gettin one and it was her idea to get it for me so hope fully Chromehounds will still be the awesome game it is now. I want to play so badly I can hardly stand it. & with everyone talking about it it adds a little salt in teh wound. I love Mech games and the building aspect really draws me to it. Eventhough everything I've heard about it is second hand. Well enough for me I've got a ham sandwich to eat.
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Submitted by Lonewolf on Mon, 08/21/2006 - 11:37