I have...


Shared on Thu, 09/14/2006 - 13:25

...Road Rage apparentyl.  I like the term aggressive driver but whatever.  I noticed it yesterday when an older gentleman infront of me was cruizing along @25 in a 30 and the car next to him was making a R turn at a light.  the old fart in front of me slows to a stop, just cuz the car next to him was slowing down.  I yell "MOVE FUCKTWAT!!"  and I do it rather loudly and he glares at me in his rear view.  I had my window down and didnt realize i had yelled that loud.  Oh well F'em I can take him.  I've always been impatient about people in front of me but never gone to yelling at them & dont usually cuss but I come out w/ that?  (I blame CraneFolder j/k)

...Allergies bad.  I'm allergic to something at work.  Outside & home I'm fine, I get out of my office for 5 minutes and I can breath again.  While I'm in here I sound like Darth Vader when I breath.  I cant breath out my nose at all and occasionally I have crap runnin out of it.  Claritin only helps my ichy eyes and throat nothing else.  I think its dust, we have tile floors and they are occasionaly swept but never been mopped in the 2.5 years Ive been here.  I can take my fingers across the floor and pick up enough dust on a couple fingers to make a big booger sized dirt ball. 

...not slept more than 6 hrs a night every day this week.  I know some people go on less but if I'm undisturbed I can sleep 9-12 before I feel rested.

...hurt my shoulder some how.  I cant even lift my 45lb son over my head using both arms the pain is too great.  The movement hurts so actually putting some wieght behind it is awful.  I havent seen a dr. cuz I dotn want surgery and I'm still playing softball.  Yea I know that's not going to help and probably gonna make it worse.  But I can still throw a guy out trying to get to 3rd from RC field so I'm not broken yet. 

...Got to figure out why I blog this stuff.  When I need to rant about something I blog it, then ususally delete it and I feel better.  I dunno I guess talking about it helps. 

...started back to school in an accelerated adult program at a private univ  Damn glad work is paying 100%  It would be worth it anyway, I'm stuck unless I have a degree and the man above me is retiring in max 2 years.  W/ the accelerated program I'll have an Assoc in 9 mos adn if i want a Bac 12-15mos after that.  I don't necessarly need it, but it'd be nice to have incase I wanted to go anywhere else and work or advance further.

...Lost nearly 10lbs  I've almost completely cut pop from my diet and I drink a lot of water now.  At first I was getting headaches from the lack of caffine, they've tapered off some now.  I can go about 2 days before they hit me. 


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