Shared on Mon, 05/01/2006 - 15:18First Blog and I just need to get this off my chest it bugged the crap outta me
I play several games w/ my fellow Hitmen the other night and after a while my son wants to play. Hes 4 so we leave the group (I dont wanna have anyone suffer b/c of him. But to his credit he typically pwns my 24 yr old cousin, its always funny to see a grown adult get beat down by a child) So anyway we join some Rumble Training and get a BR w/ rifles on map at terminal, so about 30 seconds into it my boy gets killed and the SOB T-baggs him! [rant/on]I dont even Tbag my own clannies it just moves me the wrong way, if I kill you then good I killed you no need to add to it. but Ill accept it from my OMMies cuz they dont mean it as demoralizing just as fun[/rant off] Sry. Im watchin on his screen and I"m able to get a shot so I snipe the guy & give em a teabag of my own. Immediatly going to the warthog I see him respawns in there so I drop him again and beat the crap outta his corpse while Im tea bagging him, There are 2 friends and the main one and one of them shoots me in the back, mistake shoulda assinated me, I snipe him and give him a baggin too, by this time Im laughing so hard Im almost crying. Hypocritical? yes but Im not gonna let anyone do that and get away w/ it so easily. I spend the rest of the time watching over my boy as hes on the ghost killing whoever happens to come to the back and if it looks like they may get them I snipe them from the rocks, I think he had 10 assists and 3 kills not bad for a 4 yr old, eventually I go on to win the thing. But afterwards the kids deciede they need to bad mouth us, I mute the TV so he doesnt have to hear what theyre saying. I dont cuss or say anything bad to them I just point out the stats and the fact that 1 of them died to a 4 year old and they left. I got to thinking that those are just the types I like to avoid and thank my lucky stars that I was able to find the OMM, otherwise Id have to deal w/ that crap daily and I dont think I could handle it. Seriously these kids sound 12 and I just wonder where their parents are when they talk like this. It just disgusts me. *sigh* oh well not much I can do but raise my boy right and do our own thing.
- DragoonTamer's blog
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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 05/01/2006 - 16:34
Submitted by Whamolla on Tue, 05/02/2006 - 09:24