Since everyone thinks I'm crazy, or a dick, or otherwise


Shared on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 11:47

Stang may have pulled his 2 YouTube videos with the copyright before people got to see them, but from Stangs own public photobucket is his site mockup.  Notice the latest news section.  News format look familiar?  Notice the blogs...  Hell, those are avatars of 2old2play members that aren't even in 2old4duty.  Notice the copyright at the bottom...  2old4duty Productions.   For those of you that didn't jump to judge me, thanks...  For those of you that did, well...


Tactica's picture
Submitted by Tactica on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 10:51
Full Disclosure: I'm not associated with 2o4d - but I have gamed with a few of them and even had / have a few of them on my friends list. 1st: I give them props in design, they took something functional from 2o2p and made the presentation very nice. So hats off on creativity, even if they had not realized production rollout. 2nd: I think the admins handled this wrong. Leaders are meant to lead, not get brought down and wear issues on their sleeves. The sooner the public forum on this topic stops, the better. The issue however real or not needs to be address in closed circuit. 3rd: The forums for 2o4d should be openned up if they have not already. Suspending perpitrators or whatever is one thing, but punishing the full membership is absurd. Locking the forums is censorship of an organized group - and that's not an image you want for 2o2p. 4th: Dsmoth & Doodi, I respect you both for your commitment and personal investment into the success of 2o2p since inception. You both are reasonable folks and I'm sure feelings were hurt, but this site depends on the two of you to be strong, reasonable and have an open mind. Leading with a loose lip or iron fist is not going to win you any awards and it's not going to increase membership. Deal with the dirt as needed, but making it a public issue is a bit too ametur for what this site has become. Take a step back, get the site and forums on track, and resolve lingering issues in a business like and professional manner. It's lonely at the top, but that's why everyone cannot provide that level of service. I'm confident you will work this out. Just don't let the membership suffer and don't punish the masses. Now - back to gaming topics. I'm done participating in this topic. Just my 2 cents. Cheers, Tac
AMC401AMC's picture
Submitted by AMC401AMC on Wed, 08/20/2008 - 15:47
Dudes its a mockup. I think they will go to a active format so I can see why the admins here are mad at our clans overlord because he was a moderator here. I also think its childish to block all the 2o4d members from the clan forums. Basically in that two days you forced out about 50 2o2p members and sent them to this new site. I am a newly acquired 2o2f member and still a 2o4d member. I think Stangs designs are top notch and he does very good work on videos, website and promotions. Its too ....way too fawking bad this had to send a rift between good guys so I will say Mike james you may have your long hair and many a duty member may dispair but look to the sky and bark at the moon because septembers car show is fucking coming soon!! Bring your thrist and bring you dough we will hit the track, casino and watch the water flow.....on the strippers!! (bwahahahaaaa)
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 09:45
if it was maturity we would all be banned lol
wunderboy1's picture
Submitted by wunderboy1 on Sun, 08/31/2008 - 17:44
I heard there was pie?
Bawbuster's picture
Submitted by Bawbuster on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 09:50
CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 11:39
It sounds like some feelings could have been spared with some COMMUNICATION ahead of time. If 2old4duty could of came to site admins and said something like "This is what we are doing and why...and maybe added that they wanted to borrow some code while they figured out how they wanted to set up their site, I am sure it could of saved some misunderstanding and I bet the admins may have even gone out of their way to help them out.
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 11:43
I have been known to due conflict of interest and I am sorry.
T3muJin's picture
Submitted by T3muJin on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 10:14
@Captiosus eat a dick, preferably somewhere else. also, see dante's video, it's on the front page, i assume since you made it out of your forum to come here, you can find the front fucking page of the site. from several horses mouths, this site isn't about maturity, it's about being an old fucktard
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 14:55
Hey I heard there was pie at the LAN. There was a LAN right?
NorthernPlato's picture
Submitted by NorthernPlato on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 11:53
@ Tank Sorry, but you're wrong about the "correct" way for people in Doodi and DSmooth's to handle a situation like this. The did exactly the correct thing. It doesn't matter what the intention of 2o4d actually may have been, but the wrong way to handle someone, even in jest, tacking on a copyright symbol to something that rides on the marketing of your IP is to sit back and say 'I'm sure it's nothing and it'll sort itself out if we talk about it." That's the issue with operating something that can be used as a brand. Eventually, someone without any vested interest will notice an opportunity to make money off of what Doodi and everyone else here has helped to create. That includes the various clan leaders and members. And if Doodi et al don't work to protect that brand, even at the risk of being called assholes or having their operations criticized, then one day none of us could have a place like 2o2p to call home. Doodi and DS, you guys are doing what's right and what's needed. The fault here lies completely with whoever made the mock-up and the youtube vids. There's nothing wrong with people leaving to make their own site and syphon existing members of a specific clan to form a base; there is something very wrong with people trying to copyright your branding, even in jest or with no ill intent.

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