For the ladies...


Shared on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 18:42

I thought some of you ladies would get a kick out of this one....



meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 19:01
ohhhh perfect!
LadyisRed's picture
Submitted by LadyisRed on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 19:11
What? You mean its NOT all about gratifying the men and fulfilling their wants? Damn.... So many years wasted.....
char's picture
Submitted by char on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 19:56
sicrik's picture
Submitted by sicrik on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 20:11
you should read OUR version LOL
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 20:25
I ignore my MIL, I would ruin his clothes if I washed them, and he's terrified of having kids, but he does bitch about my cooking. I think we met halfway =) Good find.
TenaciousGinger's picture
Submitted by TenaciousGinger on Wed, 03/04/2009 - 08:08

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