

Shared on Sat, 10/11/2008 - 21:54

I'm sick.  Woke up at 6:30 this morning with a sore throat.  At about 10 am, sniffles.  11 am, more sniffles.  By 3pm I was sounding like I was drowning when I talked.  I fell asleep about 4, slept till 8.  Woke up not feeling any better.  I took some Sudafed for my congestion, still feel like poo.  And I can't say my N's right, I sound like an idiot.

Being sick sucks :cry:



Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Sat, 10/11/2008 - 22:09
Tis that time of year. Mucinex DM works well if you keep yourself hydrated, water not booze:) Get well soon. I have two of them at home with the same thing!
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Sat, 10/11/2008 - 22:37
Whenever i feel a cold coming on, I immediatly take two multi-vitamins . Usually this works best if you feel a bit sick before bed so you can sleep it off. But it works ok in the morning too. Just in the morning if that's how i feel, i do the multi's plus i take a tylenol to make me feel a bit better. THen i take two more at bed if i took them in the morning because i work up sick. Using this method i can usually escape germs turning into a full blown sickness.
Shashayla's picture
Submitted by Shashayla on Sat, 10/11/2008 - 23:19
bet you got it that night you were so chilled watching the kids play football. Sick Sux! Feel better soon!
JHall55's picture
Submitted by JHall55 on Sun, 10/12/2008 - 00:50
I feel your pain...I've had one hell of a cold since Tuesday night. Where does all this snot come from anyways???
pearly_54's picture
Submitted by pearly_54 on Sun, 10/12/2008 - 06:37
@JHall: It's the double-edge sword of your immune system kicking in to fight the virus. Blah! @Durty: Lotsa fluids! If it's "just a cold", it will get better.....someday. If it is a sinus infection, which it doesn't really sound like it, but you would need some antibiotics. And, sorry about my blog when ur sick!
char's picture
Submitted by char on Sun, 10/12/2008 - 08:35
Sleep and get better real soon! What Tank said. Durty you are stressed over finding a job, that will run you down. Get on a good M-Vit.--Not the drug store kind!-- and start them up. If your stomach is upset, wait before starting Vits. Omega 3 Oil as well.
jonny12gauge's picture
Submitted by jonny12gauge on Sun, 10/12/2008 - 10:39
I haven't been since in a year and a half, then I got sick 2x in the past 3 weeks :( I feel your pain!!!
FireWtr96's picture
Submitted by FireWtr96 on Sun, 10/12/2008 - 11:22
yea i am dealing with the same thing started yesturdy after noon with a scratchy throat and now i am just miserable. Thankfully it is sunday and i get get better by monday
char's picture
Submitted by char on Sun, 10/12/2008 - 13:40
Wow this flu/cold bug is getting around. Hope all of you feel better soon.

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