Elder Scrolls and DeathSpank


Shared on Mon, 10/24/2011 - 23:05

So I just started playing Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion--- I can't decide if it's tedious or fascinating. I like that it's oipen world, yet without the boundaries and limits I feel a little *too* free. I think I like it. I'll keep playing until I decide. So far I've learned that there are a million side quests I can do and pretty much not touch the main story unless I just really need the rigor or a game that defines each step for you. We'll see how it goes. So far so good. I decided to play it to figure out if I relaly want SkyRim or not. Matt's getting it so I think I'll just play his when he's done (IF he finishes it).

DeathSpank- The Baconing: I'm enjoying it again, after a long hiatus. I decided it was boring then started playing it as a two player with Matt. I like Bob from Sales. :) That makes this game more palatable. So whenever we go over to each other's houses we play and both of us are nearly done with it now. I'm on the last level and have maxed out my resources and XP. Ready to clean up some side quests that went unsolved (gotta love me completionist attitude).

So how much longer do we have to wait for Borderlands 2? Or BioShock Infinite? I'm lactating with anticipating. (Ok not really, because that's just gross.)

Oh-- funny as hell post on "Damn You Auto Correct" blog- check out the Halloween mishap. :) I laughed so hard I think a little pee came out.


CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Tue, 10/25/2011 - 08:18
I liked Oblivion. I have a historically short attention span on games but I managed a play through with the quest line and many hours in a free roam scenerio (I just wanted a scenerio where the Oblivion gates didn't scar up the pretty country side. If you would like to avoid Oblivion gates just don't go to Jauffre or visit the town of Kvetch). However, I have been following all things Skyririm since Feb and there are major improvements in the game play. I have been watching video and lately reading three hour previews Bethsda has been demonstrating and I am completely convinced that these aren't marketing ploys but things that are going to make the game 100% better than it's predessesor (sorry about the sp; typing with thumbs).
YEM's picture
Submitted by YEM on Tue, 10/25/2011 - 09:22
I LOVED Oblivion! It was the game that got me into RPG's
KuruptU4Fun's picture
Submitted by KuruptU4Fun on Tue, 10/25/2011 - 10:41
If Oblivion is too big, try Arkham City.
erinroxyfox's picture
Submitted by erinroxyfox on Tue, 10/25/2011 - 13:55
I really tried to enjoy Batman. I just can't! I think it's because I'm not "getting" some of the stuff- like the Riddler's things and so on... i Just suck at that game and I hate failing at stuff that should be so obvious. Matt bought Arkham City and is in love with it. I actually really prefer watching him play those games to playing them myself. Oblivion is staying in my xbox for now. Good suggestion @CapnHun about avoiding Jauffre. I was just about to arrive there.
CrypticCat's picture
Submitted by CrypticCat on Wed, 10/26/2011 - 12:33
Not going to Jauffre locks you out of Deadric weapons and SIGIL-STONES, the former are awesome weapons but they weigh a lot and the latter are awesome items you can use to enchant your gear. I'm a huge fan of the Deadric Heavy Bow with a good enchant on it. People who advise to not go to Jauffre are usually the same people who advise you to get Umbra at level10.
erinroxyfox's picture
Submitted by erinroxyfox on Thu, 10/27/2011 - 17:23
So go? Argh! I'm in Chorrol now, having just joined the fighters' guild and am doing jobs there, but haven't met up with Jauffre yet. Signing on in just a mo to start playing... we'll see what happens. :) So far I suck at archery.

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