I'm a little broken for the next few weeks


Shared on Sat, 04/23/2011 - 10:06

So I broke my ding danged foot. How? Some fantastic sex? Not even close. Maybe rescuing a kitten from a tree? No. I just hopped out of bed Monday morning and landed funny. My bed is tall enough that my feet don't touch the floor when I'm sitting on it, and when I jumped down (all of 6 inches probably) I just landed in a weird way and managed to end up with two stress fractures along metatarsals 4 & 5, and a torn tendon. OMG. Really? I feel like a prize idiot, and now I have this really attractive boot to wear for 4-6 weeks. Moving day is today (just me and my car.. I'm moving boxes). Now I really wish I didn't have this cursed anvil around my leg, since I have no help today. (Matt is working, but he can help tomorrow.) Next Saturday the truck comes for all my furniture and my piano. I'm glad they'll be the ones doing the heavy lifting. So long as I'm healed by the time I go to China, I'll be happy. I"m sure climbing the Great Wall is going to be hard on it, from what I hear anyway.

So Portal 2 is awesome.... I played single player mode for awhile, which is similar to the first Portal but more challenging because the atmosphere isn't as clean or clinical looking- now it's all overgrown and harder to find what you're looking for. I raved about it so Matt bought it the next day and now we've been playing co-op mode every night just about. We've made it through the entire first half (5 stages I think, comprised of maybe 10 levels per stage?) and are about to start second half tonight. I love this game! I wore my xbox shirt to school yesterday, and my students went nuts. LOL. They asked what my favorite game is (to which I had to say Borderlands, because it rules), and what I'm playing now. I told them about Portal 2. One of the kids had the first Portal and said it was way too hard for him. I think I earned some special place of honor in his head because I could play that game. Heh.

Off to scrounge some breakfast, then get packing and moving.


CrypticCat's picture
Submitted by CrypticCat on Sat, 04/23/2011 - 15:48
Unbelievable. You're starting to sound like a Meg Ryan movie! =)) More stuff happens to you in a month than to me in my entire life up until now, and I have been in some sticky situations over the years... When you ever post a blog that says "Nothing happened today.", we will prolly not believe you! Take care of that foot. If that directing of yours takes off, you'll be standing an aweful lot. Get well soon!
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Sat, 04/23/2011 - 21:39
Don't feel bad, my sister broke her foot mailing a letter. get well soon, and I hope the move goes well for you.
VenomRudman's picture
Submitted by VenomRudman on Sat, 04/23/2011 - 23:11
Breaking your foot getting out of bed? I've got news for you, you're getting old!
erinroxyfox's picture
Submitted by erinroxyfox on Mon, 04/25/2011 - 13:31
Jeez I know. What's next? My hip? Maybe I'll get some Caltrate or whatever. Stupid.

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