Cross faction communication!!


Shared on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 16:42
Its probably a good thing that Blizzard set up World of Warcraft such that you cannot possibly communicate effectively cross faction. Granted, there are ways around it and players have been known to type out little phrases of ownage to the enemy as they come through the area, but for the most part it holds true. That was it did hold true, until recently.

I had the opportunity of going out and playing a low level alt with a friend of mine on Stormscale, a pvp realm. We were in Redridge with our characters when an epic mounted undead warrior with a superiority complex came through and decided to maul everything in the area with his bad self. The fact that the alliance he slaughtered were around level 25 at best mattered little to him. It wasn't about stats after all, it was about him being "The" man. So after the animated corpse slew me for the second time, both my friend and I logged out and swapped to our 60's and headed toward Redridge to take our revenge. By the time we got there he was working his way up the hill towards Burning Steppes killing another low level as he went. We caught up with him and took him out with little effort. Funny how he didn't put up much of a fight against people the same level as he was compared to the bravery he exemplified by taking on a few 20's at once. After the kill, my friend sent out a post in general chat saying that should anyone have any more problems to give us a call. Sure enough, within a few minutes he was at it again and we quickly dispatched him back to the spirit guide. At this point we made our presence known and stuck around the area he was in. I hate to call it camping, since we weren't standing over his corpse... we just positioned ourselves between him and the low levels while still allowing him plenty of distance to rez and move on to the Steppes and out of Redridge.

Thats when it happened. A whisper popped up in my chat panel from my new friend the cadaver. Now I know what you are going to say, its impossible for a horde to whisper an alliance character. This is true under normal circumstances, however Mr Personality was so enthused by visiting the graveyard that he got a buddy of his to roll up an alliance character to attempt to insult me with! He even named his new toon to slander my own, basically adding "sucks" to the end of my name. He wanted to express his deepest feelings of thanks to me for the attention I was giving to him and had to find a way to make sure that I got his message with clarity. After chuckling at the thought of it all for a few good minutes and trying to hold a candid conversation with "sucks" he began to throw a few too many insults my way so I was forced to /ignore him. Its sad really... we were on the verge of a major breakthrough in cross faction communication!


Rhysode's picture
Submitted by Rhysode on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 17:51
I used to put my 60 in the same place I would grind my alts. If the person corpse camped, I would do the same. And the judgement crown is still the coolest epic headgear :)
XSSmoke's picture
Submitted by XSSmoke on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 19:24
nice job guys!
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 19:29
I didn't understand anything, but good job! :D
Brad's picture
Submitted by Brad on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 02:30
yeah - I kinda lost ya after "...good thing that Blizzard..." - but it sounds like good old-fashioned timmie ownage, which I am all for.
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 16:49
Although I never played the game, nice job putting him away. I used to play the old Final Fantasys and stuff, I assume it's kind of the same. It was always nice rolling up somewhere 3x as strong as you were the last time and laying waste.

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