Diary Of A Daddy Day 3


Shared on Tue, 11/07/2006 - 19:42

Well here I am, again, at 1.30 in the morning and babies are starting to take their toll a bit.  He has been restless all day and when he has settled then our daughter pipes up about something.  I've sent my wife to bed again so she can get some rest and I'll get some kip later on when she wakes up.  Tonight I have an NBA game to keep me going whilst settling him down.

I think it is trapped wind that's keeping him restless (if anyone knows any tricks apart from the usual winding methods then please let me know as we have forgotten!!!!)  We went out for a while today but my wife was knackered after an hour, bless her.   I managed to get online this evening for a few games of Halo 2 with 3 new clan members that have just joined up and that certainly took my mind off of a few things and calmed me down.  They were great guys and we had some great games so looking forward to more of the same soon.

Well, I'm going to dig in for the night and hopefully get some sleep at about 5ish, fingers crossed.  Here's to a better day tomorrow.

Happy gaming

p.s.  you bastards got Gears of War, I am officially 2tired2be2pissedoff!!!!!


fecknmental's picture
Submitted by fecknmental on Wed, 11/08/2006 - 04:41
Have you tried Collach drops for wind? Poor you i hate trapped wind in babies i remember it well :lol: Wow bet you havent played as nmuch in your life hehehe
dmanton300's picture
Submitted by dmanton300 on Wed, 11/08/2006 - 05:40
I don't believe it. I've been trying Live at all hours the last few days with Halo 2 (first time it's been in my 360 for 9 months or so) and there's never any bastard about. All that nagging to get me back online after the summer and when I do no-one's playing. Boo hoo!
fecknmental's picture
Submitted by fecknmental on Wed, 11/08/2006 - 06:12
Well dmanton i will be on later tonight so can cathc ya then :lol:
AnUmpaLumpa's picture
Submitted by AnUmpaLumpa on Wed, 11/08/2006 - 17:10
Man babies are so much work. I dont think im grown up enough yet to even think about them. All the best.

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