Gazzara's blog


Shared on Tue, 11/07/2006 - 19:42

Diary Of A Daddy Day 3

Well here I am, again, at 1.30 in the morning and babies are starting to take their toll a bit.  He has been restless all day and when he has settled then our daughter pipes up about something.  I've sent my wife to bed again so she can get some rest and I'll get some kip later on when she wakes up.  Tonight I have an NBA game to keep me going whilst settling him down.


Shared on Tue, 11/07/2006 - 02:17

Not A Happy Raiders Fan

I have never, ever seen such a fucking half hearted shambles of a team as I did last night and to be honest I am not proud to be a Raiders fan this morning.  It stems from the coaching staff who spent most of the game chatting than giving the players the bollocking they all deserved. If that was me I would have been right up in their faces.


Shared on Mon, 11/06/2006 - 14:49

Diary Of A Daddy Day 2

Hello again from a not so tired daddy.

Thanks for your great comments guys. Keep em coming.

I'm not going to babble on too much today as not much has happened and I am writing this now before I get a few hours sleep and get myself back on the night shift.


Shared on Sun, 11/05/2006 - 19:42

Diary Of A Daddy Day 1

Hey guys.

First and foremost, I didn't get the job at the BBC but getting shortlisted to top 10 in the end was a feat for me all by itself and has given me a lot of confidence in this field.


Shared on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 06:11

Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Man

I have just finished my telephone interview with one of the producers from the BBC and I think it has gone well.  The conversation lasted just over 30 minutes when the alloted time was only 20 (I really don't know if that as a good thing or a bad thing but at lekast he didn't slam down the phone saying you twat!!!).

Both subjects that I initially submitted were well received and the bulk of the call was trying to explain in more detail about my ideas and how they would work in documentary form.


Shared on Mon, 10/23/2006 - 06:52

BBC Documentary team here I come!!!!!

I just received a phone call this morning from the BBC documentary team saying that I have been shortlisted for a position in their department.  How cool is that.  I applied about a month ago through their New Talent scheme and I had to supply two ideas for possible documentaries.  I can't talk too much about them at this stage but one of them was called "Halo Evolution".  I know, I know, it sounds like Halo Evolved but it is only a working title.


Shared on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 14:15

Return Of Ra!!!!

Hey guys.

Long time no see (for most of you anyway).

I have been a very busy boy and had a very hectic few months what with change of work, wife pregnant etc.  Although I have not been contributing to the main forums, blogs etc I have, with the spare time I had, been keepingour UK clan going and joining them in a hell of a lot of pwnage and a lot of fun.  From now on I promise to contribute a little more as things are starting to chill out a little.


Shared on Fri, 05/19/2006 - 07:05

Lulu our rat died a couple of hours ago

Just a quick note to let everybody know that our rat that was poorly died a couple of hours ago.  She had had a bad start in life and then we took her on and since then we gave her the best we could.  Unforunately with poorly treated rats they tend to get ill quicker and their life expectancy is shorter.  Weve been hanging in there as much as we could and perhaps we should have had her put to sleep earlier but she was a battler and thats why we continued treatment.


Shared on Wed, 05/17/2006 - 06:07

I busted my cherry!!!!!!

Hey guys.

After talking about playing COD 2 for so long, I finally sucked it up and had a go as I saw a couple of friends online playing. 

A little history for you about this game.  COD 2 was the first game I ever bought when I got my 360.  I loved the campaign, everything was full on and chaotic.  It really gave you feel for being in a warzone.  Then I decided to play it online.  What a fucking joke it was.  My ping was at 999 and I was bumping into walls in houses when I should be in the prone position, up against a wall, tracking through a street.  It was disaterous.


Shared on Sun, 05/14/2006 - 05:52

I failed ...... This time

Hey guys.

OK, I suck big fat donkey balls, because I succumbed to the feeling of the nicotine rush.  I happened sort of on Friday but the plus side is that I dont smoke nearly as much.  I am still determined to quit but will need help to do it.  I now know what I will be growing through too.

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