Return Of Ra!!!!


Shared on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 14:15

Hey guys.

Long time no see (for most of you anyway).

I have been a very busy boy and had a very hectic few months what with change of work, wife pregnant etc.  Although I have not been contributing to the main forums, blogs etc I have, with the spare time I had, been keepingour UK clan going and joining them in a hell of a lot of pwnage and a lot of fun.  From now on I promise to contribute a little more as things are starting to chill out a little.

With only 2 - 3 weeks away from he birth of our second child, I feel those late nights coming on where I am on shift to feed him and change his nappy etc so will be online a little bit more (apart from breaks where I have to do those fatherly duties while my wife gets some rest)

I have also changed my GT as Microsoft were being tossers with my last one and have lost quite a few of you from my FL.  My GT now is gazzara 2o2p UK so if any of you feel throwing and invite my way then I will accept with welcome arms.  Just add 2old2play to the FR so I know who you are and I don't accept one from some random noob timmie who got arsey because he just got owned by the UK clan and thinks he can get a bit of revenge.

Next week is a big week for the clan as we are having our first 2old2play UK LAN at one of our members houses.  It won't be that big (about 10 or so members have confirmed) but the beer and bourbon will be flowing and the gaming will be fun and we'll toast at some point our bretheren across the spit.  Videos and pictures and a full report will be sent to doodi as well as a few piccies on here.

See you all soon and happy gaming

p.s. when our son is born the first thing that is going in his hands is gonna be a 360 controller,  The piccy will obviously be here.

p.p.s  Sony suck with the PS3!!!!! Go Microsoft and Nintendo, I can't wait fo the Wii to be released here.


AnUmpaLumpa's picture
Submitted by AnUmpaLumpa on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 14:22
Lol. a newborn child with a 360 controller. Nice to see you back posting and playing but we all understand how difficult RL can be and most of us are casual gamers anyways. This isnt a boot camp so no body is going to beast you for not gaming for a while....well Mental might. You need to talk to Mental about the PS3, hes a right little fanboi (jk), im sure that will be a great conversation/confrontation. Have fun.
SkiddyMcCrash's picture
Submitted by SkiddyMcCrash on Sun, 10/22/2006 - 12:13
Beer and Bourbon? Fuck that then, if it aint vodka and red bull then I`m bloody staying at home :lol:
Em's picture
Submitted by Em on Mon, 10/23/2006 - 07:20
sounds like fun!!! what i want is some video with voice of the uk boys owning each other, preferably exceptionally late in the eve:)

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