Shared on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 20:35I finally broke down and jumped on the Battlefield Bad Company 2 bandwagon. I bought the game this past weekend and jumped right into the deep end of the pool and started playing multiplayer. I had tried the beta demo on Live, so had a little idea of what to expect ,but my first experience with the multiplayer could be best described as a total and complete ass handing.
To say this game has a steep learning curve is an understatement. Here I am, level 0 no idea where any thing is on the map and I am getting my ass kcked unmercifully by upper level players. it was a noob feeding frenzy. I actually managed to kill one guy and I guess that hurt his pride or something because he started killing me over and over and over and over again. I would respawn get about two steps, and BAM! dead from Mr. Sniper who was apparantly sitting there watching my spawn location just waiting for me to run right to him. I figured out you can spawn near a team mate and actually got to play for almost ten whole seconds before I was either shot, grenaded, or stabbed by someone I never saw. My frustration level was getting pretty high and I was getting really pissed off. I knew I was just outclassed by higher experience players but reason has nothing to do with anger.
This went on for a lot of games until I was on a map where I must have sucked so bad everyone left the game. EVERYONE. I respawned and was running around when I realized I had the whole map to myself. Normally I would have bailed out too, but I figured, hey! I can go explore some. I ran around trying helicopters, tanks, four wheelers, the UAV and gun emplacements. I blew up the tcomm argets and won the match all by my little lonesome this actually came in handy later that night when I was playing with others on the same map and since I took the time to explaore a little bit ,I actually didn't do too bad. I finished the night getting to Level 1 and upgrading to a better rifle for my assault class.
I did have a couple of observations:
I liked the map sizes. Although they are broken down into smaller maps lnked together, you get the sense of continuity.
The vehicles are very good and the remote UAV is a lot of fun to fly, but it needs better weapons Door gunner on the blackhawk is a blast when you actually hit something.
I didn't hear anyone talking during any of the games. No Timmys yelling "you suck!" or soliciting for various sexual acts they want to have performed on them.
Why can't you upgrade your weapons? I don't mean new weapons, I mean why can't you upgrade weapons like on MW2? (Never mind, I just learned you can add some upgrades)
Right now, if you were to ask me, (why you would, I have no idea) I still like MW2 better than BF2 but I'm hoping the more I play this game ,the less I'm yelling "What the fuck?!!" and trying to not throw my controller
- Habu06's blog
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Submitted by LordKerdaq on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 21:20
Submitted by ekattan on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 09:03
Submitted by TKBosss on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 09:11
Submitted by PowerMacAttack on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 09:23
Submitted by MineMagnet506 on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 10:00