Clan LAN


Shared on Sat, 08/20/2011 - 09:50

Well, I noticed once again, four new blog posts for some Chinese knock off crap you probably don't want or need so I thought, "Why not bump them one with an update from the black sheep clan  (if you're a black sheep, relax, it's just a saying)

Last week was the Porchop Platoon LAN which was held in the cultural center of the not quite mid west, Cincinatti.  In the spirit of disclosure, I did not go. Now,  I wanted to go and had made plans to go, but my wife and her sister decided that weekend would be perfect for a family get together before our offspring head out to their various colleges. Herein lies a major difference between her and me. She comes from a large,close, interconnected family and I don't.  So, in order to maintian matrimonial civility and because, " I want to go away for a few days, hang out in a hotel and drink way too much while playing  video games with guys I know online" didn't seem to impress her enough to cancel having a dozen people come over for the weekend.

But even though I didn't go, I was able to keep up a little bit by checking in with the updates on the forums when there was some downtime. (yay smart phone) From all reports, it was a huge sucess. The highlight was a paticular clan member being able to fly over from the Emerald Isle to attend.

There were lots of photos taken, but since I didn't take them, I don't feel comfortable posting the link here. If anyone really would like to see them,  do a little detective work on Flikr and Photobucket  and you should be able to find the links (hint: Porchop Platoon, LAN)

Thats it for now. Don't buy cheap crap off blog posts. If you do, the terrorists win.



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