Shared on Fri, 02/10/2012 - 17:03
Had a meeting the other day and as part of it, we were required to partake in a wonderful little presentation about something called a Continued Offsite Operation Plan which was the brainchild of FEMA or Homeland Security so you know it had to be top notch.Basically, in the event of a major catastrophe, there should be a contingency plan for various organizations to continue to function and provide services. So, when all hell breaks loose you can work off site and not have to take a personal day or blow off coming in to work. Sounds good, right?
So, the power point tourture session begins. If anyone who reads this gives power point presentations and reads the damn slide to people, Stop it.Seriously. Everyone who is sitting there probably knows how to read. The ability to read is a job requirement. So if you stand there and read verbatum what is on the slide, just know there are people in the audience that are thinking evil thoughts about you. Another thing, stop with the stupid ice breaker video clips. We've seen them. Yes Honey Badger was funny the first ten times I saw it. Ha Ha. Honey Badger. He's badass. O.K.
I'm digressing. The presentation goes on until Mr. Enthusiasim mentions preparing a go bag for the office. My ears perk up. A go bag? now, we're talking!
For those of you who don't know what a go bag is, go look it up it's also called a bug out bag, a SHTF bag and a E&E bag. We'll wait.....
O.K. so he mentions go bag. Now, if there is ever anything that can get a conversation going amongst survivalist types, it is talking about go bags and what should be in them. That is not a discussion for here though. Anyway, he starts to explain the items that should be in an office go bag. I'm thinking..
He, on the other hand starts mentioning things like frequently used forms on a thumb drive, manuals, paper, office supplies(pens and highlighters- highlighters?- but no red stapler) and oh yes, personal hygene products. (thats a shaving kit and toilet paper) he also recommended extra clothing and showed a photo of dress shirt and a tie as an example.Yeah right, the last thing I'm going to have in a go bag is a neck tie.
So, when the Zombie Apocalypse arrives or a nationwide Katrina style disaster strikes, know that there will be people out there ready to file their weekly TPS reports off site and will still look proffesional while doing it. Me, I'll be calling in sick and strapping on my armor made from used tires. ( insert Fallout 3 reference here)
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Submitted by CrypticCat on Fri, 02/10/2012 - 18:32