Shared on Fri, 12/17/2010 - 19:12
This is the third anniversary or "Claniversary" if you will, of the clan I'm in, Pork Chop Plattoon. I know, there are some folks here who will curl their lip in a sneer but hey, I don't care and this isn't about that.
I joined 2old2play back in 2006 although I wasn't an active member. I was just getting into playing xbox online but I was a creeped out with ten year olds telling me how bad I was or offering suggestions of various sexual acts. It was either them or the kid that apparently just learned the word "nigger" and had to use it every two to three words. That took a lot of the fun out of playing with others. It actually got to the point I was tired of hearing the same boring tripe and stopped going online. I came here hoping to find some adults who were playing online.
Even though I was member of 2old2play I really didnt participate as much as I should have and eventually I stopped visiting the site. Then I got into playing the Call of Duty franchise and even started playing online again. By the time Modern Warfare 2 came out, I was back to the same old screaming n bomb dropping homophobic spazzes that I loathed. I just happened to find 2old2play still under my bookmarks and came back for a visit. I learned about clans and browsed the ones that were Call of Duty oriented. I found a couple of clans that were what I was looking for and PCP was one of them. I sent out some emails asking about membership in the clans and the first one to answer back was PCP. I tried playing with the folks in the clan and learning a lttle more about PCP and decided to join.
I have been a member of PCP for almost a year now and I have had a lot of fun playing with the clan. Since joining, I have had played in some great mixers with other clans and have met some interesting characters. It actually fun to go online now and hook up with some clanmates and go play for a couple of hours. Thanks to the clan, I have tried some games that I may not have otherwise played. I even have gone back to revisit some of the older Call of Duty games like World at War.
I know there was some issues with some members of PCP and some folks here and because of that, PCP left to form their own website. That was just as I joined and frankly, I am not involved in any of that. The way I see it, If it wasn't for 2old2play, I wouldn't be in a clan I enjoy. I still come on here almost daily and follow some of the blogs and forum posts and I still consider myself a memeber of 2old2play.
I If you're curious, the PCP website is going well, and the forums are hoppin' . The clan is celebrating the claniversary this weekend with several different games going on and I think it's going to be a blast.
So, Happy Claniversary to PCP!
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