
Shared on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 23:43

I've been sitting here at the house watching a half a dozen nine year olds run around shrieking at the top of their lungs with the occasional "oh MY GOD!" interspersed with Myley Cyrus / Taylor Swift songs. Yep, its a sleepover. YAY. Normally, by this time of night, I would have a little "me time" with the 360 but for some reason, the wife thinks it would be a bad thing for a bunch of little girls to watch me shoot videogame characters with an assault rifle. Go figure. Apparently making me listen to "Party in the U.S.A" for the umpteenth time isn't cruel or unusual. I did have a suggestion from a fellow clan member to retreat to quieter location, but the wife anticipating I would do just that, advised me earlier in the evening that I was going to help her with the above mentioned kiddies. In the interest of future domestic tranquility, it appears that clan night is on hiatus for this week. thats too bad; I was looking foward to a match of headshots with javelins only-keep one eye closed- stand on one leg and sing "Oh Canada" hardcore free for all in Rust. Either that or go slither off into the night to sit in the new super secret clubhouse to sulk and pout as some would believe.

Which leads to the title of the this post. I am a member of PCP and have been so for almost three months. I decided to join PCP because it was a clan based on COD games and that happened to be the series I enjoy playing. I had not played online for well over a year because I was sick and tired of listening to prepubesent buttheads whine about how everything either sucked, was gay or a combination of both. I also got tired of the inane and meaningless invectives and the overall brain dead prattle that made up most of the games I was in. I have not had any negative issues with PCP, just the opposite. Wipsy in paticular has been very helpful getting me up to speed in the clan and I have met some good people and added some folks to my friends list - too many to mention, but you know who you are. It has been a lot of fun to go online see some friends playing and get together for some quality game time. As far as I know, there are no restricitons placed on what games I can play or who I can play with. I don't want to join a bunch of different clans because I don't have that much spare time on my hands. Yes, there are some clan only functions such as clan night, but I expect all clans have something similar. Thats why they're called clans.

I don't know what the issue is between PCP and 2old2play. I tried to get some insight by reading the blogs and forums because I didn't understand the problem. No one who has posted something about this tiff seems to want to just say what the issue is and basically I don't understand "blog wars". Please,  I dont' need anyone to explain the problem to me because I really don't care. I got into this at the tail end and to put it into the local venacular, I don't have a dog in the fight. The only thing I got from the so called blog war was exposure to bad and in some cases, disturbing music videos. To me, most of the back and forth can be summorized as, you suck- no, YOU suck which is boring to everyone else. I don't know why some people left PCP or were kicked out or whatever. I don't care. If you are one of those who left and you are reading this and you feel like people ought to know your side of the issue, then put it out there.

I will still come to this site and read the blogs and forums and occasionally throw my worthless two cents into the pile until I'm told my presence here is no longer welcome. I hold no animosity to anyone here because quite frankly, I don't know any of you. But to those of you who feel it necessary to take your snarky little jabs at PCP as a clan, why not just call out the person you have the problem with and air it out publicly or, if not, then take it somewhere private and deal with it? I am a memeber of PCP and there are a lot of other memebers of the clan that did nothing to any other clan or person on this site yet we are lumped into the whole PCP sucks- good riddance dogpile.

To anyone who reads this drivel and get their panties in a twist because I upset the order of the "Hey look its me!" blog bar on the main page, please feel free to bump me down with your You Tube music videos. But for God's sake, please post some Metal. No more scary dancing mummies or fat guys in bannana hammocks. Thats just not right.


Habu06's picture
Submitted by Habu06 on Sat, 05/08/2010 - 11:47
El Diablo - hermano, I could ask someone but like I said, I really don't care. I just don't like seeing all the snide comments and the whole "don't let the door hit you in the ass" attitude. I want to remind those who have this burning dislike of PCP to remember that their beef is with a handful of people, not with me or the others like me who did NOTHING to them yet are being tarred with the same brush.
FadeIntoBlack's picture
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Sat, 05/08/2010 - 12:03
Habu, The vast majority here quite honestly would agree with what you say here. It is ALWAYS the vocal minority that are the loudest and most inflammatory. Both sides play victim but both sides are responsible for stirring it up...interestingly enough, it really is less than a dozen people that keep this going... This whole thing is summed up like this. 1- Clan is founded with selective rules 2- Members join and then leave/quit/are removed because those rules don't fit what they want out of gaming 3- Those members use their blog space (as is intended) to vent their feelings about what happened (good or bad) 4- One of the above mentioned dozen on either side of the argument makes an inflammatory retaliation remark and people on both sides attack each other 5- Blogs get posted by PCP with random music videos to push them off the page 6- PCP gets told "they're childish" for doing it and the attacks (from both sides) resume 7- PCP feels like it is just best if they find a place they feel welcome That really is it. Both sides have people that act like idiots, and it really is silly that their even has to be sides. If you will notice, there is nary a post or a warning from a site Admin or Mod because it really is something that should have been worked out. Someone will undoubtedly post that they "really were the victim" but this is one of those deals where there really isn't one....or you can say it that "everyone felt like one". Silly imo but there you go. Oh, and I'm with you on the metal... :D
El_Diablo's picture
Submitted by El_Diablo on Sat, 05/08/2010 - 15:17
@ Habu....point taken. @ Fade.....problem with your assessment is it's no different than the rest of the uninformed. While you are partially correct there are gaping holes in your assessment and only deal with the last few days. However, I will admit, like most arguments each side has a point of view and the truth lies somewhere in between. What we want to is to coexist, but we also don't want to be slandered by people that have no clue and only use this situation as an opportunity to take pot shots at us. Of course, if we would stop responding it would all go away in a few days, but I'll admit again, it so god damned hard not to want to defend your position right or wrong. But hey, at least we'll live on forever on 2o2p, thanks to the Player Choice Protection.....thanks doodi.
Habu06's picture
Submitted by Habu06 on Sat, 05/08/2010 - 16:01
Thanks for the explanation of the Great Blog War of 2010 (there should be frickin' lasers in a title like that) I'll be around in the park. (see LuxDevil67's blog)
PowerMacAttack's picture
Submitted by PowerMacAttack on Sun, 05/09/2010 - 09:50
Great blog Habu! Serious, some very good points are being made and seem to get lost in the shuffle of recent events. Anyway man, you need anything just ask and I hope to get back to gaming as normal soon.
FadeIntoBlack's picture
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Sun, 05/09/2010 - 12:56
@ Diablo...It really is that way. I am giving it to you from someone who is outside the argument, could care less about it, know exactly how it started, and know exactly how it has been continued. The "holes" you refer to are what PCP would call "the attacks" as they exist on public forums, in blogs and in private PMs and to what "the attackers" would call justifiable truth. Problem is, perception lies in the mind of the holder. Are you guys right? Yes. Are the other right? Yes. You are right in that the truth is in the middle...I read 99% of all blogs here/99% of all posts here/99% of all forums here. In my opinion (again as an outsider since as Habu said "I have no dog in the fight", PCP has given as well as it has gotten on the personal side...perhaps taken a little more than it has given but that is because of numbers and the piling on aspect people exhibit on the internet. 2old2play would (I don't speak for the ownership but know them well enough) like PCP to remain and coexist just like you would. I don't know if you remember, but I was an original PCP member (first 12 it takes to receive official clanship) and even one of the first staff members, if only for a few days...before I realized that I could not keep a schedule I felt would be fair to PCP to remain in that position. I have gamed with all of the original guys, including you, and I suspect PCP are still the good bunch of dudes now they were then at the core. I will say you seem, from the outsiders perspective, to have some volatile guys, but so does the website as a whole. I would mostly say that the majority opinion from by far the vast majority of site members, is that we would like it all to go away. The blogs about it, the posts about it, the bad feelings about it, and just get some games in. I know some of you will remain active members, post, contribute content, or just lurk...and I would bet receive a warm welcome with no hard feelings in any of those aspects. :)
FadeIntoBlack's picture
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Sun, 05/09/2010 - 13:01
Oh, and I know it goes back at least 18 months or so to my recollection, was worsened with "competing" LAN as it was called even though it wasn't really that at all, got all blown up with members leaving/being removed for a variety of reasons, and is now ending in the exact same way other clans have left the site...with attacking on both sides. Believe me, this is very similar to at least two other site clans that have gone their own way in the last 5 years. So while I may have some knowledge gaps, I guess I would speaking from the perspective of someone who has seen enough of the past to know exactly what the present and future probably holds.
TenaciousGinger's picture
Submitted by TenaciousGinger on Sat, 05/08/2010 - 02:34
Well Put habu.. fellow PCP here.. that I think was my main issue.. that we were lumped together as a whole vs. the few that had issues with the other few.. But as you know it is true what they say.. YOU ARE WHO YOU HANG WITH.. guilty by association blah blah blah.. welcome to High-School 2.0
Habu06's picture
Submitted by Habu06 on Sat, 05/08/2010 - 06:18
Thanks Ginger, Like the song says, high school never ends. and no, I'm not posting the video I'll leave that to more capable hands.
RabidGerbel's picture
Submitted by RabidGerbel on Sat, 05/08/2010 - 08:53
You make a solid and profound point and the asshats shy away.
El_Diablo's picture
Submitted by El_Diablo on Sat, 05/08/2010 - 08:58
Habu...all I can suggest is to ask someone directly what the conflict is about. By doing it here all you are going to get opinions of people that really have no idea.
MEP46's picture
Submitted by MEP46 on Sat, 05/08/2010 - 09:14
Hab fellow PCP'er I have been here at 2old2play since the beginning and been with PCP for over a year and like you don't have a clue as to wtf happened. All I see is what people have blogged and see all the negative BS from people who where banned and for good reason but I never saw 1 person ever say why they where banned maybe if they did say why most people on this site who read their blogs would not have joined the lynching mob, they just bad mouth PCP and PCP members did not put the reasons online to flame that person just said go away. All clans have rules just like 2old2play has rules and the BS about not be able to playing other games or belong to other clans witch I do is well BULL SHIT I stopped playing COD and played other games with no one telling me not too

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