Shared on Mon, 03/22/2010 - 11:58Every once in while you just have one of those gaming sessions where for whatever reason you just can,t get your ass in gear. Last night was one of those. Everything started out O.K but for some reason I kept getting dropped from the party lobby. I think I screwed up a couple of times by turtling too soon (No, not the bathroom turtle).
Then there was the Highrise massacre. Someone on the other team had a thermal screen; on kill cam you could see his whole screen was thermal not just the sight.This guy was set up across the map just sniping the dogshit out of everyone. The last kill I had before the match ended was when I found a guy in the tunnel lying on the ground operating a laptop. His ID didn't come up even though I was standing overtop of him. I thought he was dead but when he didn'tt dissapear, I stabbed him and he died, but not before getting the winnig kill. I don't know if that was a glitch or a cheat.
The other games weren't much better I had one or two decent ones in demolition but I still need practice in that one. The other game I tried last night while waiting to get back into the clan group, was headquaters, but I had a little bit of a problem with the team I was on. There were two guys obviously working together I'll call them Capt. Awsome and Asshole Buddy who clearly were there for some type of boosting or kill streak thing because apparantly the idea of capturing and holding a headquaters (hence the name of the match) was not something we ' green randoms" were supposed to do. CA and AB just wanted to keep the headquaters open and kill everyone on the other team to get kill streaks. Maybe if they had mentioned that at the beginning of the game we would have understood their master plan and allow them to be so totally super awsome.
Oh well, there's always next time.
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Submitted by metalian on Mon, 03/22/2010 - 12:15
Submitted by CMA on Mon, 03/22/2010 - 13:28