Forza 4


Shared on Tue, 10/25/2011 - 12:33

It's awesome. 

On the racing rig front, I've made a few changes since the last post about it.  No pictures today to post, but I added one of the new CSR shifters to it.  The knob (lol) is made of metal on the new one, so it has a much better feel when I grip it (lol again).  The old shifter was made of plastic and always felt as if it were going to break off in my hand. 

I've also decided that I'm going to ditch my Playseat and build myself a custom racing cabinet.  I've been playing around with Google Sketchup and creating different models and I've talk with a carpenter who lives a few doors down from me who can do all the cutting for me.  The final product will house all of the electronics internally with only one power wire coming off of it.  I really like the look of this one someone posted on thewayiplay:

Of course mine will have 3 screens, and I'll probably go with black for the paint, but the overall design will be similar.  Instead the trackball mouse I'll have my shifter there.  There's still a lot that I need to figure out for it, air flow, access panels, etc. but when it's done it will be well worth it.   This is a long term project though, it will probably be another year before it's completed. 


JPNor's picture
Submitted by JPNor on Tue, 10/25/2011 - 13:08
That's crazy cool and three screens will look amazing. After giving my wife hell about having too much exercise equipment I highly doubt I could do anything like that in my house!
HadOne2Many's picture
Submitted by HadOne2Many on Tue, 10/25/2011 - 14:27
Luckily my wife was very understanding, but then again I already had my Playseat before we got together so she knew what she was getting into ahead of time :)

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