Ah chat, so fresh, so deaf.


Shared on Fri, 10/30/2009 - 14:39

I am a philosopher, that's a conceited left wing erudite who shimmys and shakes free of his own problems.  My problems are you and your problems.  I'm not strong enough to be an iceberg that is strong.  Icebergs are strong, dont' kid yourself.  Don't kid icebergs either, they won't get it, but they will dismiss you in due time.


I operate as if everything is or can be absurd.  This notion may be absurd, but then it is surely the truth.  If you've read this far; congratulations you're trying.  So I've got something for you now.  This next piece is a joke, I thought it up in about a minute when I had to call a radio station(never got through), but I like it.


You live in an apartment, you're getting back to it from work.  Holy shitballs you see a dead corpse on the floor.  You are fuh-reaking out, and call your roommate, DUDE! did you know there is a dead corpse on the kitchen floor?  He's all DUDE! dead corpse is redundant.  And You're all, but did you know that, did you kill this guy?  He's all yeah... so what?  I killed him.  You're all WHY? Why would you kill whoever this is?  He's all he looked at me funny, and you stop him right there, you're like that is an awful reason to take a life.  Now you've got to call the cops, and you do, you call the cops.  Your roommate is arrested, bingo bango, now you're responsible for both halves of the rent.


I hope you liked that.  I'm a people pleaser among many many things.


Everything isn't absurd all the time, to be clear if you want to succeed in life you have to limit your focus and basically choose a side which is both right and wrong, but the consequences of your actions are pared down incredibally if this side is popular.  Nice little tid bit there eh?


Zikan's picture
Submitted by Zikan on Fri, 10/30/2009 - 15:27
Yup, that was pretty absurd.
XSSmoke's picture
Submitted by XSSmoke on Fri, 10/30/2009 - 15:29
You are just as odd as I tell people... LOL!!!
th3midnighter's picture
Submitted by th3midnighter on Fri, 10/30/2009 - 15:56
i dont get it.
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Fri, 10/30/2009 - 15:58
your blog is now my new #1 lol kick ass

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