Decisions, decisions.......


Shared on Sun, 02/28/2010 - 20:48

A plea to the developers out there:

Stop. Just fucking stop it already.

I have been a PC gamer for probably 20 years now. 3 years ago, when a bunch of my friends were all buying Xbox 360's, I bought one of those too. in 2008 I gave my wife a Wii for our second anniversary. In 2009, within a week of filing my taxes I found a great deal on a PS3, and couldn't pass that up. And just a few months later (August) I needed to upgrade the ol' PC again so so I invested in a gaming laptop that will hold up for a while.

And then just last week I caved to Sony's "free LBP when you buy a new PSPgo" promotion.

Long story short, when a great game comes out, I have more than enough hardware to support it. Even if it's an exclusive like Forza 3 or God of War 3, I can't use that as an excuse.

I have a full time job and a toddler. My wife works second shift so weeknights I am solely responsible for maintaining the kid's schedule and taking care of everything else around the house. I usually have less than 2 hours of "me" time each night. When I can, I play games. But I am really having a very tough time fitting it into my schedule here.

So in about 26 hours, it will be Tuesday here on the east coast. Tuesday, March 2, the official release date of BF:BC2.

I am just starting to get used to MAG's controls.

But when Battlefield 2 was released for PC, I played the crap out of that game. From what I've seen of BC2, it makes BF2 look far more obsolete than it is.

So please, game developers, give an old man a break. I am spending way too much money and time trying to catch up on these " must have" games and in the end, I can't dedicate enough of my attention to these games you develop. And you leave me with some extremely difficult choices to make.

Like, for example: On Tuesday am I buying the Xbox, PS3, or PC version of the fucking game?


BlowMonkey's picture
Submitted by BlowMonkey on Sun, 02/28/2010 - 20:57
PS3....unless the PSN doesn't come back on lol that thing took a dump tonight. and I'm the same as you (although I don't buy games for my PC/MAC) but I have a Wii, 360, PS3, PSP, DSi and a bad gaming addiction mixed with A.D.D. BFBC2 does look sweet though lol
Imissthecommodore64's picture
Submitted by Imissthecommodore64 on Sun, 02/28/2010 - 21:17
I'm having the same trouble. My PC will deliver the best graphics of any system but the people I want to play with are on the 360. I will be playing BC2 simply because that game seems like one of the best online games I've ever played.
Fish66's picture
Submitted by Fish66 on Sun, 02/28/2010 - 21:21
I was a die-hard PS guy until I started getting games for my PS3. Check the specs on the games. The PS3 games are not coming in 1080 and the controllers are not as configurable as the 360 versions.
char's picture
Submitted by char on Sun, 02/28/2010 - 22:22
PS3 you nut!...heh
JPNor's picture
Submitted by JPNor on Mon, 03/01/2010 - 06:50
Commodore I hear that! I picked up MW2 for PC mostly because I have the laptop that can handle it, and it's easier for me to find time to play. But I also noticed that multiplayer began to deteriorate on PC (thanks to cheaters etc) weeks before everybody started having the same widespread complaints on the 360 version. As tempted as I am to get it on PC I really think a console version will last longer in terms of playability and the community.
IAmTheLiquor's picture
Submitted by IAmTheLiquor on Mon, 03/01/2010 - 09:29
My schedule is the same as yours. I work days, the wife works nights and I have to watch my 2 kids every night. There is very little "me" time. I try to squeeze in an hour or 2 of games every night but it is a struggle to make it happen. I have a PS3 but besides playing BluRay and the occasional exclusive it is a waste of time. Buy BFBC2 for 360.

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