JPNor's blog


Shared on Fri, 06/27/2014 - 09:49

48 Hour Film Project - "No Good Deed"

This past weekend I participated in a 48 Hour Film Project. It is a competition where teams are assigned a film genre at random, told to incorporate certain elements (a prop, a character, and line of dialogue) and then given 48 hours to make a movie.

I connected with a team led by a former coworker, and I was the principal photographer and editor. Over the entire weekend I slept for maybe 6 hours total, otherwise fueled by Dunkin Donuts, adrenaline, and the immense pressure of meeting our deadline.


Shared on Tue, 04/01/2014 - 20:10

Goat Simulator

What started as silly Game Jam joke was actually developed into a real game. So, yeah. You play a goat and you trash the environment, and that's it. And yet it's getting insanely good reviews from gamers.

From the Steam page:



Shared on Wed, 03/26/2014 - 11:04

My mid-life crisis

I have a 2008 Honda that I'm still paying for (I started leasing, put too many miles on, and financed the residual value). I had been looking for a beater car to use part time, so that I wasn't putting so many miles on the Honda. After looking around at cars for less than $10K, I found this:


Shared on Tue, 11/05/2013 - 13:34

Publish stupidity = life ruined

The women in the three photos above all have something in common:

1. They photographed something that they thought was funny, but was perceived as insensitive.

2. They published said photo to social media.

3. Their lives were ruined.


Shared on Fri, 09/13/2013 - 09:13

Is this the final boss battle?

Since having children, my video gaming time has decreased drastically. And the majority of my gaming time is spent:

Playing Angry Birds while taking a dump

Playing Candy Crush Saga on Facebook whilst on a conference call

Yelling at my son to stop dicking around and move his Skylander closer to mine so I can keep moving through the level


Shared on Tue, 07/16/2013 - 21:19

Help my daughter win some dumb facebook contest

I'm not going to waste space in the forums since it's just a Facebook contest but my wife wants to win. 

If you are on Facebook, click the link to go to the picture of my daughter:

And then click "Like". Thanks!!


Shared on Thu, 02/28/2013 - 09:46

Excel / Access gurus?

I know we have a number of people on the site who know this stuff inside and out. Here's my situation.

I will be receiving a spreadsheet with about 2200 rows on it (including people's first and last names in individual columns). Let's call this Speadsheet A.

Spreadsheets B and C are massive files - B has about 54,000 rows and C has 118,000 rows. Both also have individual columns for first and last name.


Shared on Wed, 12/19/2012 - 20:54

Parenting +1

We had a couple false starts and didn't get into the hospital Monday night as planned (see my next blog down). But Mrs. JP was admitted last night, they started inducing as soon as she got there, and around 1:30 this afternoon things started finally moving along. 

Violet Jean was delivered at 2:40 PM. 6 pounds 13 ounces, 19.5 inches long, and healthy. I want to write more but I'm fucking exhausted and it's time for me to catch some sleep, now that the two older kids are in bed.


Shared on Mon, 12/17/2012 - 09:33

One hell of a weekend.

Back in October, I met up with a friend about 10 minutes from my childhood home for a walk. I snapped the above picture because of how picturesque and peaceful the landscape is. 


Shared on Thu, 10/18/2012 - 09:33

More Rock and Shock content

Just a couple days ago, Waterborn's blog chronicled his day at the Rock and Shock convention in Worcester MA this past weekend. You'll be seeing a number of video interviews starring Waterborn over the next few weeks, starting with a very recognizable movie star/video game enthusiastic today or tomorrow.

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