Drama 2.0


Shared on Fri, 05/14/2010 - 08:40

A couple weeks ago, I wrote about drama in general and how it amazes me that some "grown-ups" use drama to fill some void in their life. The blog was based on a situation between my neighbors, however it coincidentally foreshadowed clan drama on this very site (I am in no way attaching myself or my blog to PCP; simply remarking that it was a strange coincidence). While we still see the occasional fall-out from the PCP thing in others' blogs, that situation has mostly passed, many of us outsiders looking in and eating a bag of popcorn.

Back in my own life, however, it has started up again. Last time I blogged I was in the middle of a neighbor dispute in the townhouse complex where I live. Over the course of the last 3 or 4 weeks I've observed a string of emails culminating in a situation reminiscent of PCP's departure:

Act 1.

Neighbor 1: The new owner asked me about painting his own unit. What do you think?

Neighbor 2: I think new owners need to discuss these issues with the entire board, not off-the-record with a single board member.

Neighbor 1: That's fine, I didn't make any decisions, which is why I'm asking for your input.

Neighbor 2: Let's hold a vote and may I remind you that I'm not comfortable with board members having these conversations off the record. Seriously.

Neighbor 1: You made your point already. Calm down and stop driving that point into the ground.

Neighbor 2 contacts me directly: I'm offended that he told me to calm down. He is a jerk. We should do something about it. I need your support.

Me: I'm not taking sides.

Act 2. Three weeks later.

Neighbor 2: Have you heard from the new owner? Not that I'm advocating you going over the board's head. I reiterate my position.

Neighbor 1: Why are you still going on about this? I thought this was old news. Shove your position up your ass.

Neighbor 2: I do not mean it as a criticism of you. However, your insults are uncalled for and deeply offensive and I think you need to learn to act professional within a professional context.

Neighbor 1 (6:30 this morning): Fuck you buddy. I quit the association because I can't work with you. I'm taking my toys and going home.

I'm paraphrasing, but it's still an accurate (albeit abbreviated) account of the last couple weeks. Neighbor 2 likely has not seen the most recent email; otherwise I would have gotten a phone call from him in which I'm sure he will want me to take sides again and polarize the entire community against our recently-departed member. And I do not want to take sides.

Wait..... my phone is ringing. Take one guess who it is.


TKBosss's picture
Submitted by TKBosss on Fri, 05/14/2010 - 09:31
Since when can members belong or not belong to an association? Unless it's a voluntary thing all members belong as long as they own, less re-course from the association for non-payment of dues, violating the rules, etc.... Associations are always hot beds for drama. Some people have nothing better to do!!!! Good Luck!
FadeIntoBlack's picture
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Fri, 05/14/2010 - 10:02
I was the VP for my HOA once upon a time, strangely enough for a community where I had to yet to actually build a structure but just owned the lot with intent to build. Long story short, the position mostly involved me mediating disputes about property, trees to be planted, arguments about where fill dirt was placed, arguments about dog poop, arguments about stucco colors, arguments about fencing, arguments about who should and should not be able to park on the street, and arguments about our trail system that may or may not ever go in. Yeah, as you can surmise, it was just a lot of argument. HOAs can be awesome for a couple of reasons, and can be the absolute shits for about 1000 others. Good luck with your neighbors! I say let the Neighbor 1 paint, tell Neighbor 2 to stop being a busybody, and take them both out to dinner one night and get them drunk. They'll either end up mending the fence, or they'll beat the crap out of each other which will force them to have nothing to do with each other. Either way, you're off the hook.

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